Sit At His Feet

Scripture For The Day 

 December 10th, 2023

Luke 10 Part 2

"Sit At His Feet" 

Now it came to pass they went to Bethany to the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. This brother and his sisters were very good friends to Jesus. Martha played hostess by ministering and serving Jesus. But Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and just listen to His Word. Martha was flustered. There was so much to do and she had no help. So she questioned Jesus “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work? Tell her to come help me.” Jesus answered “Martha, Martha, you worry about so much. There is only one thing you should be concerned about. Mary has chosen to do what is best and that’s not going to be taken away from her.”

I wanted to keep this section of Chapter 10 by itself. Because I believe all of us allow our busyness to tear us away from what we should be doing. Yes, things need to get done. We all have things we need to do. Jesus wasn’t belittling taking care of business. But number one, we need to take the time to listen to Him. Study His Word, Meditate upon His Word. Truly seek His Face in all sincerity and earnestness every single day of our lives. It’s not about what we want or even how we feel. Let’s not worry about what someone else is doing or not doing. But do what He has put upon our own hearts. And be patient with each other. Pray for each other. Forgive each other. I’m so tired of how quickly people jump. It hurts my heart to the point of giving up at times.  

Let us love each other in Christ Jesus the way He calls us to and sit at His feet listening and learning. 


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