Trust in The LORD and Do Good!

Scripture For The Day 

January 11th, 2024

"Delight Yourself In The LORD" 

People can be so ‘ugh” at times. Last year, I found myself saying quite often that I was tired of “peopling” and that I was done. You know what I mean? Life is too short for time wasted on junk. And my spirit was about as low as it could get.  I began double-guessing everything about myself. Things I felt, things I said, things I did. I was beating myself up so badly that I was almost too bruised to walk. At least that’s how I felt. But the more I prayed, the more I studied, the more I pulled away from the junk, I began to feel more Peaceful and finished the year with more peace than I had felt all year long.  And that’s all down to The LORD and those closest to me. Over and over in my heart, I could hear His Voice whisper “Just focus on me, Trust me!”. “Do what you are called to do. Love others. Pray for others. And keep your eyes on Me.” Psalm 37 reminds us to keep our eyes focused on The Lord, no matter what is going on around us or what others say or do. Just stay in your lane and keep your eyes focused on the SON on the Horizon.

David says in verse 4 “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of the thine heart. Commit thy way unto The LORD; Trust also in Him; and He SHALL bring it to pass.” Vs 7 “Rest in The LORD, and wait patiently for Him: … don’t worry about what others are doing. CEASE from anger, and forsake wrath: FRET not thyself in any wise to do evil.

All of us are struggling. But we shouldn’t be struggling against each other. Don’t get so upset that you react badly. STOP! Regroup. Focus on The LORD and move on. Be kind. Sincerely pray for one another, take it to The LORD, and leave it there. Those who call for The LORD for help will get help.  A humble heart is the one that will enjoy Peace. Arrogance has no place here. 

Vs 11 “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” And recognize when it's time to dust those sandals off and move on. Time is too short and life is too fragile. "Trust in The LORD, and do good;.." Psalm 37:3


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