Consider Others

 Scripture For The Day 

February 2nd, 2024

Consider Others

Blessed is He who considers the poor. When trouble comes as it so often does, The LORD will remember you. The LORD watches over those who help others. The LORD Blesses those who bless others. A person who thinks of others is Blessed coming and going. It's not about us. We aren't the center of the universe. Psalm 41- David trusted God in all things. He was struggling. He was suffering. He was betrayed and his body and soul needed healing. and He was ashamed of his own sin.  Whenever we sin it not only affects us but has an effect on everyone around us. We are sinning against The LORD. Our lives are not our own. We have been created for a purpose, for His Purpose. David's body was sick but even worse than that his soul was sick. Have you ever felt like that before? I know I have. David felt betrayed by those he loved.  He was broken. Yes, he was upset with himself for sinning against God. But betrayal is one of the toughest things to get past. It makes it difficult to ever trust again. David knew His only hope for Peace and strength was in The LORD. He prayed for mercy and for God to triumph over his enemies.  As usual, David ends with praise. Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting!

 Amen and Amen. 

Father God, help us to forgive those who betray us. Our only Hope is in You. Help us to treat others the way we want to be treated. Help us to consider those in need. Amen and Amen 


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