Scripture For The Day 

February 1st, 2024 

Have a Good Day

With all the beauty this world has to offer, it also offers up ugliness. It's up to us to choose what we will focus on. We can't avoid it. It's all over the place. But we can ask The LORD to help us to keep focused on Him. This morning, my heart was so full of concern for my grandsons and the world that we have handed down to them.  And I asked The LORD to help me to be the Grandma I need to be for them. I asked The LORD to help me to teach them how to have Peace in chaos. The youngest grandson and I always tell the others to have a Good Day when they leave. Yesterday, while talking to Bop Bop, he asked him if he was having a good day. It tickled us both. I'm so thankful that God Loves us so much and that He hears our cries and that alone grants us a Good Day in spite of the chaos and ugliness that may surround us. This morning I came across a song by chance? no by God's hand that I hadn't heard before called "Good Day" by Forrest Frank and I can't wait to share it with my eldest grandson. "I'm bout to have a good day..."  and it's all about focusing on God. 

In Psalm 40, David cries out to God once again. "I called to The LORD, and He heard my cries." David knew all too well that God is The One Who lifts us up out of the depths of 'hell'. Our Loving Father picks us up and puts us back on solid ground. He dusts off the dirt of this world and lovingly sets us on our way. He keeps our feet from slipping when we seek Him above all else. He puts a new song in our hearts and I love that. A song of praise to our God that bares witness for a lost and dying world. David says he could go on and on talking about all the Goodness of God but there is just too many to count. He speaks about all the ways He loves The LORD and desires to live for Him. He admits that most of his troubles have been because of his own sins that are also too many to count. He goes on to ask The LORD to help him, to rescue him, to protect him. As much as He loved The LORD, He needed God's protection. He had lost his courage within this psalm and he turned to The ONE Who never failed Him. So no matter what 'they' the world says.. God knows you by name  and that alone constintues a Good Day!  Seek Him in All Things and Let His Goodness bring you joy! and have a Good Day! 

"Have a Good Day today, no matter what 'they' say. The God Who Made the universe knows me by my name. So it's A Good Day!" 


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