Higher Accountability

 Scripture For The Day 

February 13th, 2024 

Higher Accountability

Boys will be boys. We've all heard that. Boys are fun and adventurous and crazy and I love being a boys grandma. Recently the youngest grandson has begun spitting. Of course, he thinks it's hilarious. we might ignore it except Big Brother thinks it's also hilarious and so now we have two spitting everywhere. It's almost out of control. Nothing unusual there. But it was time, probably past time, to nip it in the bud. So, yesterday when the boys got dropped off and before mommy left I looked at them both, especially at big brother, and said "This is how it's going to go today. If "the little one" starts spitting, he's going to get a spanking. But if you "big brother" do it as well, you're going to get a spanking and put in time-out and each occurrence after that we'll get an added punishment." Big Brother looked at me upset. I knew what he was thinking. "But that's not fair", I explained. "This is why. He is a baby who is still learning every day. There is so much he doesn't know. But you are over twice his age and you know better. It's your responsibility to teach him." Needless to say, there was less saliva strewn around my house yesterday. lol 

Working at the school when my daughter was growing up, I was the coach for the quiz bowl and was involved with various activities. One day, my daughter came up to me and asked "Why are you so much harder on me than the other kids?" I lovingly looked at her and said "Because you belong to me and you know better." 

Here is why I am sharing this with y'all. All of us, all of us are sinners. As Christians, we are called to not 'live in sin'. There is a difference. That is willful sin. It has no place in a Christians life. Because sin has consequences there will be punishment. As a Child of God, The Holy Spirit convicts us when we are not living the way The Lord expects us to. We will sin more than we want to or ought to. and we need to understand that there are consequences for that sin. And Christians are held to a higher accountability than sinners or even babes in Christ. Because we belong to Him. We know better. So be patient with the lost. Be patient with each other. A mature Christian is to know better. We are not to be conformed to this world but transformed. We are to be living breathing examples of Jesus Christ. We can not be Jesus but we can strive to be more like Him every day. Love the unlovable. Be kind to the hateful. Pray for each other. Seriously pray for each other. We need that prayer. We know better. 

"And that servant, which knew His Lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes." - Luke 12: 47-48


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