Live in Sin? God Forbid!

Scripture For The Day 

June 29, 2022

My 6-year-old grandson has been talking a lot about sin lately. He mentioned yesterday that he had Jesus in his heart halfway but the other half was dark with sin. I told him that’s not how it works. When we truly accept Jesus into our hearts, He is in there the whole way. He said, but I still sin. I told him that we all sin and that I still sin. “You? Mamu?” “Yes, I sin way more than I want to. But that’s the difference. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we recognize we sin. We strive to not sin. But we will sin. But then we can ask Jesus to forgive us.” “But why? Mamu? Why do you still sin?” “Because I am human and humans will always sin, while we are on this earth. But we aren’t to live in that sin” He still wasn’t convinced that I did wrong. I shared with him how I get frustrated and I get angry sometimes and I make mistakes. He looks up at my paintings and says that they are perfect with no mistakes. So, I had to pull them down and show him where all the mistakes were at.  He was shocked.

I guess that is the number one misunderstanding about being a Christian. There are even adult Christians who believe that they are perfect and without sin. When we ask Jesus to come into our hearts, He wipes those previous sins away. But we will still sin. We are only human. None of us are perfect and for some reason, these little ones think that they have to be perfect. We will be held accountable for the sins that we act upon after salvation. But there is still GRACE. The Bible says we are to STRIVE to be like Christ. It never says that while we are here on earth we can BE Christ. Does that mean that we should just give in and not even try? God forbid, says Paul in Romans 6.

“So do you think we should continue sinning so that God will give us more and more Grace? God forbid. (of course not) Our old sinful life has ended. It’s dead. So how can we continue living in sin? Don’t let sin control your life here on earth. You must not be ruled by the things your sinful self makes you want to do. So what should we do? Should we sin because we are under Grace and not under law? God forbid! (Certainly, of course, NOT)” read all of Romans 6

We are not to be comfortable with sin. We are to acknowledge that we have sin, even after salvation. We are to hold ourselves accountable and listen to The Voice of Truth convicting our hearts. Because we all sin and will sin, we are human. But we are not to be comfortable with sin. We need to set our eyes upon Him every single day, all throughout the day, seeking Him first, to help us live in Him and not be conformed to this sinful world.

God Forbid!!! 


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