The Goodness of God

 Scripture For The Day 

July 7th 2022

"The Goodness of God" 

Yesterday, my grandson wanted to listen to some Tobymac. We chose to listen to Toby’s new song, ‘The Goodness”. This song reminds us of how Good our God is.  “They keep trying to make Your Glory fade, But I ain’t really sweating what they say. Ain’t no doubt about it, Everywhere that I go You keep showing up Lord, You make me wanna shout it, oh, You’re the Goodness in my life, Lord…”

Recently, I have found myself allowing junk to dictate my attitude. You know what I mean? Circumstances, people, frustrations, and well junk. But with the help of The LORD, I have had a change of heart.  I have been refocusing on The One Who knows my heart and still Loves me. I’ve been focusing on The One Who Is The Goodness in my life. I’ve been allowing myself time to focus on His Word and on His Many Blessings in my life. I’ve been seeking His Face and Thanking Him because life is too short and things can change so quickly. When that junk begins to threaten my heart, I’ve been given Grace through The Blood of Jesus to begin again. Because even through “The Good, the bad, the ugly, I can still the sunshine above me, I love all the ways that You love me You’re The Good, You’re The Good, You’re The Goodness!!!”

Though we may know that we know, sometimes, sometimes, we let the enemy cloud our thinking.  The world has a way of creeping in and the enemy uses our frustrations to knock us down. But we don’t have to stay down. We have an Awesome God that Loves us so very much and He will reach down, pick us up, dust us off, and set us back on the right path.

There are a vast number of scriptures that speak about The Goodness of our God. It’s Who He Is!
“And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.” = Mark 10:18 and James reminds us that All good things come from God “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. God never changes.” James 1.  It doesn’t matter what anyone says or thinks, God is Who He says He is and He never changes. He keeps showing up and showing out!!! He never ceases to amaze me. 

Lord, open our eyes and help us to see others the way You see them. Help us to recognize Your work in our lives. Help us to recognize You are working things out for our good. Forgive us for taking Your Blessings for granted. Forgive us for groaning and moaning over junk. Thank You, Lord, for Who you are.  Revive our hearts, Dear Lord, dust us off and send us on the way. Because You’re the Good, You’re the Goodness in my life! 



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