The LORD Looks at the Heart

Scripture For The Day 

 July 12, 2022

"The LORD Looks At The Heart" 

The Lord looks at our hearts. Through Sunday School lessons and Bible Studies, The LORD has been speaking quite a bit on how man looks at our outward appearance but The Lord looks at the heart. My grandson and I studied the lesson together as well. We even made a craft of a pretend magnifying glass so we could “look” at each other’s hearts. Before this lesson,  we had been discussing sin and he told me that in one part of his heart was Jesus and the other half was black with sin. I had to explain that it doesn’t work like that. Once we accept Jesus into our hearts, we will still sin, more than we want to. But we won’t want to sin. We will Trust The Lord to help us not sin. But we will still make mistakes. But because of His Sacrifice on The Cross, He washes us clean. He forgives us. He looks at our hearts and that sin is covered.  He knows what we think and feel. He knows when we lie. He knows when we hurt.

People often assume they know what others think or believe. For some odd reason, some people like to place others in categories and stereotypes. It can be very frustrating when we come across that stagnant kind of thinking.  When we assume we know what people think or believe based on placing them in a ‘type’ it’s just ignorance. Their assumptions can often be wrong because people don’t see their hearts. We can not truly know someone based on what they look like or if they belong to an organization, church, or secular. We don’t see the heart. You can have two people standing next to each other and have no clue who is the better of the two.

One may be covered in tattoos and piercings, maybe even reek of body odor and the other may be dressed nicely and hair cut so-so and clean-cut as can be. But to truly know who they are, we have to get to know them. The dude with tattoos may be the sweetest guy around while the clean-cut dude could be a pedophile. You just don’t know.  That is what The Lord explained to Samuel when he was told to go anoint the new king.  “But the LORD said unto Samuel, Eliab is tall and handsome, but don’t judge by things like that. God doesn’t look at what people see. People judge by what is on the outside, but the LORD looks at the heart. Eliab is not the right man” – 1 Samuel 16

David was imperfect but faithful. Being a Child of God does not mean we are perfect. We will mess up way more than we care to. But God looks at the heart of the matter. He looks to see if His Son’s blood is covering that sin. He knows what we feel and what we think. He knows who we truly are. And I am so Thankful and blessed that The Lord looks at my heart and knows even in my imperfections that I Love Him so very much and my hearts’ desire is to please Him.

Thank You, Lord, for not looking upon the outside but instead, You see my heart. Forgive me, when I allow the world to frustrate my thinking. Help me to be who You want me to be. Help me to see You when I look back from the mirror.  Help us, O LORD to draw closer to you in this ever-increasing chaotic world. Cleanse my heart O LORD of anything that is not of You. In Your Precious Son’s Name I pray- Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Amen! 


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