More Than a Feeling

Scripture For The Day 

 August 25, 2022

"More Than a Feeling" 

2 Samuel 6 

We can get so excited at times, can’t we? We might even be shouting The Lord’s Praises and having a wonderful Worship Service. But, if it isn’t of The Lord, it isn’t of The Lord. It doesn’t matter how excited you might get or how many tingly bumps you get on your arms. It’s not about a ‘feeling’.  David learned a hard lesson after the death of a man named Uzzah.  

David was usually faithful seeking The Lord in his decisions. But sometimes, like us, he went with his feelings first. After David began his reign, he wanted to have the Ark of The Lord closer to him in Jerusalem. So, he made plans to have it moved. There is nothing wrong with that in itself. But he failed to seek The LORD first and follow His Word.  God had specific rules in place on how to transport and take care of His Ark. God also, only wanted a certain tribe to be allowed to transport the Ark, to begin with. When the Philistines sent the Ark back to the Israelites previously, they didn’t know any of these rules and so they transported it with a wagon. Which is fine. They weren’t the Children of God.

But instead of seeking The Lord, and instead of following The Lord, David and his people chose to mimic the behavior of nonbelievers. That was the first mistake and a mistake that many Christians today make all the time.  Their hearts might have been in the right place but they had lost the fear and respect for God by doing what they thought was best. So, when the cart stumbled along the journey, and the Ark began to fall, Uzzah reached out and touched the Ark to steady it. Immediately, he was struck dead. Which probably seems harsh and unfair. But God had given them instructions that they disregarded in their excitement.  David’s heart was in the right place but he went with his ‘feelings’ instead of seeking The Lord first and foremost.  

The Ark is a symbol of the Presence of God back then and is a picture of Jesus Christ for us.  We may get excited in our church services and shout praises and Sing His songs, but if we don’t seek The LORD in all that we do, we are just imitating unbelievers. We are just going with our ‘feelings’ and we are missing out on a blessing and treading on unsteady, dangerous, ground.

Let us seek The LORD in all that we do and not make decisions based on feelings.

2 Samuel 6


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