Be Who You Were Created to Be, and Be Kind!

Scripture For The Day 

September 28th, 2022 

"Be Who You Were Created to Be, and Be Kind!" 

 I just finished a fascinating book called “The Powerful Purpose of Introverts” by Holley Gerth. Fascinating because society tends to negatively label introversion as being weak. But this author through her own experiences and with The Help of The LORD really opened my eyes. We are created by an Awesome God. He is an intricate, detailed-oriented designer with All His Creativity. I have always been stronger than what people assume. Why? Because He created me in the first place and it’s because of Who He IS, not because of who I am. I am not weak or unsociable. Introversion means that I am created differently, introverts are wired differently than extroverts. Our nervous systems handle things differently. Introverts can be overstimulated by their surroundings to the point of having an introvert hangover the next day, feeling like they need to go back to bed and pull the covers over their heads. I never knew there was a name for it.  It never ceases to amaze me with the details in life itself. God doesn’t make mistakes. You and I were created to be specific people for specific purposes. Instead of trying to identify with the opposite gender, or animals, or things that have no place in our identity, we need to teach the children to find their identity in Jesus Christ. Regardless of what the world says, you child, are meant for so much more than what is right in front of your eyes at this very moment. Galatians 6 tells us that we are to help each other, hold each other accountable, in love. Yes, hold each other accountable. And verse 4-6 tells us that we are not to compare ourselves with others. But look at our own work to see if we have done anything to be proud of or not. We must, we need, to accept the responsibilities that are ours. And never grow weary of doing good. Teach His Word in Love but always in Truth. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 – Do all you can to live a peaceful life. Mind your own business and pay your own way.

 I will never apologize again for my sensitivity to my surroundings. This is who God made me to be. I am able to grow in Him and through Him but I will still be rooted in who He made me to be. Just like David said in Psalm 139:14 “I will Praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” I am so thankful that He cared enough for me to create me with His Marvelous, Awesome, Creative, Loving Hands.

So, let me introduce myself: I’m an introvert, and I will imperfectly and courageously offer my strengths of strategic solitude, meaningful connection, genuine influence, hard-won resilience, sharp thinking, insightful perception, and intentional energy as I live with purpose and grow for a lifetime. – this is my introvert motto but I will add that I am a work in Progress and I will continue to strive to Honor God by living this life He has given to me purposefully Glorifying Him in all that I do during the quiet times as well as the busy times. Let's be who we are meant to be and let's be kind about it. 



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