God Has Left the Building, But Not the Heart

Scripture For The Day  

September 7, 2022

God Has Left the Building, But Not the Heart

Who Am I, O Lord God? When it was all said and done and David was King at last, in a time of peace and intimacy with The Lord, David was humbled by all the blessings in his life. He was overwhelmed by the promises that God had made to him and his family. David made mistakes but his heart belonged to God. And The Lord blessed him for that faithfulness. He continued to seek The Lord and when he messed up, he repented with every bit of his soul. This morning,  I woke up early with some words in my heart that I had to quickly write down.

‘When the world rejects His Holy Word- God has left the building but not the heart.                         When Christian people ignore His Voice- God has left the building but not the heart.                       When the church begins to waste His time- God has left the building but not the heart.                    When schools allow the chaos in- God has left the building but not the heart.                                    When the world would rather live in sin- God has left the building but not the heart.                            When eyes get focused on useless junk- God has left the building but not the heart.                          When hope seems lost, but hearts are turned, God enters in, His love confirmed.                                     The world will always shut the door but a heart for God will seek Him more.                                        The structure alone means nothing much without hearts filled with God’s True Love.                                Let’s keep our hearts on fire for Him and He will always remain within.                                               When maintained and kept by The One Who Knows, a building structure will overflow.                           But when we kick Him out the door because our eyes stay on the floor                                                          The structure walls will begin to shake and soon the walls will begin to break.                                              It’s not about me, it’s not about you, it’s all about Our Lord, that’s Who!                                             So, let’s step aside and let Him in, open the door to Him, not sin.                                                         The structure means more when God resides within. 

Written by Suellen Tutt 9/7/22

 Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?                                   2 Samuel 7:18-19And this was yet a small thing in Thy Sight, O Lord God; but Thou hast spoken also of Thy servant’s house for a great while to come. And is this the manner of man, O Lord God?”


A humble heart will always recognize that God is the One in control and that without Him, we are nothing. 


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