Growing Pains

Scripture For The Day 

 September 12th, 2022

"Growing Pains" 

The words “Growing Pains” have been on my heart since last week. It wasn’t until Saturday that it really hit home. After Pee Wee Basketball practice on Saturday and then playing quite a bit outside, our 6-year-old grandson seemed extra tired and was walking a bit slower than usual. I asked him if he would like me to massage his little legs with some lotion. He let out a sigh of relief and said “yes”.

  Growing Pains are tough. But the end result is often worth the pain. Then there is a whole other type of growing pain that we don’t hear too much about. When we live for The Lord and seek His Face in all that we do, we will have spiritual growing pains. We will have struggles on our journey with Him. We are not exempt from pain and hurt.  Right now, I not only feel the Seasons changing in the air, but I also feel seasons are changing in my spiritual walk with Him. I feel like The Lord is up to something. I feel like He’s paving the way for something good. These devotionals that He puts on my heart are not always popular. I know that and I’m ashamed to say that I will argue with Him from time to time because I know the response will not always be favorable. I pray and seek Him to make sure that it’s of Him and not me. Because the bottom line is that I have got to do what I feel led to do. So, even if the response is unfavorable, I can Trust that I did what I was supposed to do and hope that the following messages will be those comfy, encouraging, uplifting messages, that I so would rather share.

 But because of that struggle within me, I am dealing with Growing Pains. I know that in the end, the reward will outweigh any of the pain. Seasons are changing and I am going to Trust Him to guide me into that great unknown. It might hurt a bit. But the pain will go away. So, today I pray that you will be able to trust that your growing pains will bring about Spiritual growth within you and around you like you’ve never seen before. It's not about me, it's not about you. It's about JESUS.  James speaks to all of us when he said …”My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations: (trouble)  Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience (when your faith is tested, you learn to be patient in your suffering). But let the patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (You will be all that God wants you to be) Need wisdom? Ask Him for it!  James 1:2-4

Buckle up and enjoy the seasons changing. Let The Lord massage those achy growing pains away. 


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