Help Us, O Lord

Scripture For The Day  

September 6, 2022

Help Us, O Lord 

Several years ago, I heard a newfound friend say “Is it you God, or is it Memorex?” For you young’uns, there used to be a commercial about a cassette tape called Memorex. They were claiming that their product was so good that you couldn’t tell the difference between someone’s actual Voice or their taped voice. I’m hoping I don’t have to explain what a cassette tape is.  Either way, my friends’ question has stayed with me ever since. Anytime, I get something on my heart I tend to ask that same question. In other words, is it you God or is just me? I want to hear The Voice of Truth over my voice every single time. People with good intentions are still able to make wrong choices. Sometimes, we get ahead of God. We just want to help. But before we jump, we need to be sure that it’s of Him. Because not every noble and great idea comes from God. Sometimes, out of the goodness of our own hearts, we jump in where we should not be. It’s nice of you, but you might be getting in the way of who God truly wants to use.  

At times, people are far too quick to say “The LORD is leading me to do this or that”. Albeit a kind and generous thing, it may just be you.  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus brings many nuggets of wisdom to our hearts. Among those nuggets, He teaches us to be very careful of what we say and do but to also be careful of false prophets. It’s not up to us to decide what someone else is to do for The Lord. We can pray for them. But it’s between them and The Lord.  Not everyone that is kind and serving in the house of God is doing the Will of God. “Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of God. The only people who will enter are those who do what my Father in heaven wants. On that last day, many will call me Lord. They will say, Lord, Lord, by the power of your name we spoke for God. And by Your Name, we cast out devils and did many miracles. Then I (Jesus) will tell those people clearly, “depart from me, ye that work iniquity. I never knew you.’ “Matthew 7:21-23. This scripture is in regard to those who are just going through the motions and have not actually accepted Jesus into their hearts. However; sometimes, people are just trying to help and not necessarily living a lie. But are still getting in the way of The Lord. And I just want to hear His Voice. In the chaos and the confusion, in the peaceful dead of night, I just want to hear His voice above all the noise that this world is offering.

Father God, help us, Lord, to listen for Your Voice of Truth and Your Voice alone. Help us to be kind and considerate to others. Help us to understand that we aren’t in charge and that You are The One in control. We don’t have to be and do everything. Help us to remember that every single person has a job for You to do. Help us to know when we need to step out of the way,. Remind our hearts that We are all Called to You and to Your Service. Help us, Father, Oh Lord help us to draw closer to each other by drawing closer to You each and every single day. Lord, we need You more today than we did yesterday. In Your Precious Son’s Name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  – Amen




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