Let's Make The Right Choices, Today!

Scripture For The Day 

September 16th, 2022 

"Let's Make The Right Choices, Today!" 

 Oh, David, David, David. You were doing so great, for so long!  How quickly the mighty can fall. But as my preacherman says, “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you ever imagined.”  It seemed like a good idea at the time but then the consequences can be tragic. We take our eyes off Jesus. King David was getting quite used to getting what he wanted. After all “it’s good to be da king”. Then he went too far.  2 Samuel 11

Spring was the time of battle when the kings went out to war. But this spring was different. David stayed home. His men went, but not David. This was unusual. A leader is supposed to lead. When leaders step out of leading, there will be consequences. While lazing around the palace, David couldn’t sleep. He began to stroll on his rooftop. At that time, rooftops were open courts. Picture this with me. The king’s palace sits in a lofty position that makes it tower over the other rooftops in the lower parts of the city. So, anyone on the palace rooftop would have a view of the city. So, while David strolled, he looked around, and then stopped in his tracks. Across the way, he saw a beautiful woman bathing on her rooftop. After finding out who she was, he sent for her. Now, here we get a little TMI. The main reason she was bathing was to purify herself from her period, that unclean cycle she had just completed. When she went to David, they had sex. They didn’t waste any time. Then she went home. That one night of temptation didn’t end there. She became pregnant. That one night of sin took David farther than he ever imagined. So, what does he do? What we usually do when we sin, try to hide it. He sent for her husband, Uriah, hoping that he would have sex with his wife, and boom, that would be the end of that. But Uriah refuses to go home out of honor and respect for his suffering fellow soldiers out on the battlefield. The next night David got Uriah drunk, hoping to get him home and in bed with his wife. But again, Uriah refused to go home. His sin is growing, rotting, and rolling down the hill like a dirty snowball. But David continues to sin. David tells Joab to put Uriah on the front lines where the fighting was the hardest. Then leave him there alone to be killed in battle. Wait! What??? Hang on, it’s not over yet. David apparently keeps forgetting that God sees everything and continues to try and cover it all up. After the appropriate mourning time. David marries Bathsheba and gives birth to his son. But pay attention to verse 27: “But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD”.  It’s not over yet. But let’s stop for now. 

Let’s use this sad moment in David’s life to remember that there are consequences for sin/disobedience and sin is not pleasing to The LORD> we all have choices to make. Like David, we are equally able to be one moment on top of the world and the next moment fall to the ground because of sin.                     It’s our choice to make. Let’s make the right choices today. 


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