Never Alone

Scripture For The Day  

September 22, 2022

"Never Alone"  

A Christian speaker once said “all rebellion begins in isolation” Would you agree with that? We recently had a brief period of a type of ‘isolation’. Did you or do you feel rebellious? It does seem like rebellion escalated during that period for various reasons. Cabin fever? Authority issues? Fear? Who knows. Either way, isolation opened a door to uneasiness and boredom which led some people, not all, to make some bad choices. King David had chosen to isolate himself when he decided on his own to not lead his army. He found himself bored and not able to sleep. Without meaning to, a seed of rebellion began to grow within a heart that usually chose to listen to The Voice of God.  That small opening allowed the enemy to step in and put all kinds of ideas into the heart of this once, faithful, shepherd boy, now king.

Jesus showed us how important it is to have those times of solitude. Alone, but yet not alone. He would often make a point, while living on earth, to get away from the crowds and seek His Father in prayer. I don’t believe David’s problem was because of isolation. I believe, he felt alone. There’s a difference. After all, He was king. He was surrounded by servants. He had wives. He had children. He had things to keep him busy. But I believe he was tired and felt alone and the enemy jumped at that opportunity to get David to turn his eyes from The LORD  and onto a bathing beauty.  But Child of God, with Jesus in our hearts we are never alone. The enemy just wants us to think we are. We need that alone time to be with The LORD. To be rejuvenated, to be strengthened, to begin again. It all comes down to the heart.  Though I struggle with loneliness from time to time, I rarely feel alone. I am Blessed with a strong family support system. It’s just the enemy trying to get his foot in the door. 

There is only one cure to loneliness and it’s not busyness, hobbies, desires, or even people. The answer is truthfully some isolation time, alone with God. He is the only One that can cure our boredom, our loneliness, our uneasiness, our fatigue. As a child of God, we know that He never leaves us nor forsakes us. But do we allow our hearts to fully accept that Promise? It takes a conscientious, heartfelt, daily dose of alone time with The LORD to get past ourselves>  in Christ Alone!

In Matthew 28, Jesus not only commissioned the disciples, He commissioned us as well to go and teach and baptize and instruct, but He makes a point of reminding us that no matter where we are we don’t have to feel alone because He is always with us.

“I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen”

Now that encourages my quiet heart, how bout you? 


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