Reverence My Sanctuary

Scripture For The Day 

 September 1, 2022

"Reverence My Sanctuary" 

Trust me when I say that I have literally spent hours on this devotional today,  through study, prayer, questioning, and seeking godly counsel. I have typed, deleted, retyped, and rephrased several times.  It’s never my intention to hurt or to frustrate but there are times that I feel the tugging of The LORD so strong that He will not let it go and I would rather upset man than let The LORD down and deal with His consequences.

But when do we say enough is enough? Where do we draw the line? God’s Word is so clear on so many things and a mystery with others. But one thing stays constant. God expects RESPECT. He is a jealous God and He is Worthy of All the Respect that is due Him. It just so happens that yesterday, I had to lay down the law for my grandson. He was pushing the proverbial line that I had drawn out. In a sense, he was nudging it across the room with his toe until he had to face the consequences of disrespect and disobedience with a whipping. But aren’t we like that as well? Even within the church walls we have pushed and nudged and moved the lines of obedience and respect with our stubborn toes. We aren’t teaching how to respect The House of God. We aren’t teaching to have reverence for God, Himself.  We aren’t fully teaching His Word and discipling the way that His Word teaches us to.  Yes, we are to go out into the world, but brother, sister, we are to disciple within the church walls.  And we are failing there. We are treating His Sanctuary as if it is our very own living room and it should not be that way. R.E.S.P.E.C.T is something that is becoming old-fashioned and outdated. We flaunt any authority. Don’t tell me what to do. We push the lines. We use The LORD as an excuse to do what we want. We are stubborn people. But buddy If we don’t teach our children to respect The LORD and Who He is, it only follows that they will grow up with a lack of respect that will dwindle completely away in future generations. The Scripture that I was drawn to this morning is a tough one for many people but I can’t shake that it’s imperative that I share it with you. I mean honestly, we don’t eat the whole time we are at work. Our children don’t eat during teaching sessions at school. So, I can’t help but wonder, why. God’s Word talks about people losing respect for Who He is.  I mean the scribes washed themselves and their pens every single time before writing His Name, Every. Single. Time! But we’ve decided that the sanctuary can be just like our living room at the house. And I’m just not so sure that it’s pleasing to The LORD.  His Word lays out specific plans for us on how to respect Him and His house. “Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary” is a song staying in my heart today. How much further are we going to allow the line to be pushed until enough is enough?  Our Father is worth so much more Respect than we give Him. He is our All and All. His house is a house for us to gather together in order to Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. It’s a Solemn moment. It’s a joyful moment. It’s a Celebration. It’s an honor. But it is NOT our living room. It does not belong to us. The House of God belongs to God and buddy we need to get back to remembering just that. Honor The LORD in all your ways. Love The LORD in All your ways.

Paul had to scold the Corinthians when they began taking the House of God for granted. They began to get so comfortable that they began to treat the communion supper as a party event. They were using the wine that symbolized the Blood of Jesus as a time to party and get drunk. They would eat and be gluttons and make messes. But Paul said “What? Have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I praise you not.”  1 Corinthians 11:22. Says it all right there. Doesn’t it?

“Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am THE LORD your God” – Lev. 19:30 


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