Every Moment Matters

Scripture For The Day

 October 31, 2022

"Every Moment Matters"  

We live in a shallow world full of shallow opinions. Everyone has one and everyone thinks they’re right.  Few people truly desire to learn and grow. Few people hunger for meat; depth and though I am not a big meat eater, I hunger for so much more. We can share whatever we want on social media. We can give reasons or excuses why we choose to do this or that. But in reality, we waste so much time. Time that God has given us. All without accountability. We’ve gotten so used to it that we forget that God’s Word tells us that we will be held accountable. That frightens me. Every idle moment. Every idle word. All that we do and don’t do will be brought to our attention. The LORD is speaking some Tough Truths to my heart today.

Everything that The LORD does is for a purpose. He doesn’t waste words. Everything He says has Power. He doesn’t have an idle moment. He purposefully molds and designs every single day and too often we end up getting in His way. Can you imagine our lives being like that?  Hurts my heart to think of how often I must get in His way. I want to be led by Him every single moment. I mean truly led by Him. and let’s be honest, not everything we do is led by Him, even if we say it is. We waste so much time. I have such an urgency that something needs to change. But at the same time, if I’m honest with you, I’m so tired and feel like giving up because no one really cares. But God doesn’t tell us “Don’t do as I do but do as I say, do” He tells us “Look at me, what I say to do, I do. So, be like me” It doesn’t matter what so and so says, it only matters what God says, and He tells us we will be held accountable, so choose to be more like Him.

 Let’s make each moment count: Seek God’s Kingdom first. Manage His time in the best way for Him. Taking care of how we live and what we say and what we do;  “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” – Ephesians 5:15-16 


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