Lift Your Hand Up!!!

Scripture For The Day 

 October 18, 2022

"Lift Your Hand Up!!!"  

I remember in school being taught that in the case of drowning, we were to raise our hands high out of the water so that people would see that we were struggling and someone would come to help. Sin has a way of overtaking us, like a raging sea. Even as a believer we can allow ourselves to be overtaken by the sinful choices that we make in our lives. Sin has a way have taking us farther than we are meant to go. It’s a lie of the enemy to believe that a Christian is immune to sin. We are human. But as a believer we have Grace.  We still need to make good choices. Because, hard as it may be to hear, sin has consequences. 

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” – Psalm 51:10 

Create in this verse comes from the Hebrew word ‘bara’. Which is also the Created (bara) in Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth” this type of Creation (bara) can only be done by God. It describes something that is fully and completely brand new. On our own, we could never create a clean (pure) heart. No self-help books or TED talks can ever transform our sinful hearts into a heart that is washed clean with The Blood of Jesus Christ. We have no authority. We have no ability. But we are still required to do something.

We need to sincerely repent and surrender our sinful hearts into His Hands.  Even as a believer, we must seek to have our hearts pure once again when we begin to step out of God’s Will when we choose to follow our own desires. When we allow anger and strife to be at the forefront of our Christian walk, we turn our hearts from God. When we allow sin to become stronger in our hearts than being focused on Jesus, we turn our hearts from God.  We allow the pit of sin to draw us in. We won’t lose our salvation but we will lose our relationship with The LORD.  But then like the prodigal sons’ father- Our Father is waiting with outstretched arms.  He is waiting to pull us out of the raging seas that we put ourselves in. First, we have to reach out of that water to grab His Hand. We must have a willing spirit to partake in His wonderful, marvelous, awesome, Blessings that He has waiting for us. 

Our fellowship with God becomes broken when we allow our hearts to sink into sin. But Thank God for His Precious Son. Thank God for Grace. We can begin again in Him and through Him. Only God can restore the joy of His Salvation. Only God can renew a right spirit within us. Only God can do the job. He’s just waiting on you to raise your hand out of the raging seas that you are drowning in.  

Lift up your hand and be made new!!! 


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