Where's That Smoke Coming From? Oh, It's Me!

Scripture For The Day 

 October 4, 2022

"Where's That Smoke Coming From? Oh, It's Me!" 

Do you remember burnouts? The squealing of tires on hot pavement and the smoke billowing out?  That could easily describe physically burning out as well. There we are going down the road of life, getting things done, going here and there. Then all of sudden we have the urge we have had enough. We put the parking brake on but then we keep going at the same time. Suddenly, smoke begins to billow out and we are squealing like nobody’s business. This type of burnout is no fun and is rather depressing. It’s an exhausting state of ‘stick a fork in me, I’m done to which we lose all interest in what we were once excited for. A physical, emotional, or mental, collapse caused by overwork or stress. Our health as well as relationships can and often are affected.  Being a Christian doesn’t mean we are exempt from stress and the demands of life. Someone is always needing something. There is always something that needs to be done. My husband told me just yesterday that I do and take care of everyone else but me. I was getting a whoopin' over the phone over not taking care of myself. And as he scolded and encouraged and scolded again, all I could think of was “I know, I know, but how?”

 I was reminded this morning of Elijah in 1st Kings 19.  Elijah got burned out. He was busy for The LORD. God’s people were falling away and work needed to be done. He was so good at his job that Queen Jezebel was out to kill him. That’s when Elijah fled. He became overwhelmed and overstimulated and all he wanted to do was run away and escape life. He goes to the wilderness. He became isolated. He wasn’t able to work anymore. He felt all alone. He began to sulk. He was ‘stick a fork in me I’m done. I keep working for The LORD and people keep getting mad or refuse to listen. I have failed.” But that wasn’t true. That was lies from the enemy, who took advantage of a man who loved The LORD, who was tired and down. When we get down our emotions become overwhelmed and we don’t see the true picture.  But our God is a loving God. He looked upon Elijah. He took care of Him. He sent an angel of The LORD to minister to Him. He scolded Elijah and encouraged Elijah and strengthened Elijah. 

Child of God, I don’t know about you today, but I am having to face some truths. I’m getting scolded and encouraged. But it's all done with love and with that Love, I am also being strengthened. Sometimes we need to take a step back, rest, seek His Face, and look upon The LORD for our strength. Jesus knew how important it was to have that rest and alone time with His Father. There are a lot of emotions that are involved with burning out. It's essential to have that recovery time with The LORD and remind our hearts that we are never alone. Because He Promises to never leave us. Find comfort in that Promise today.  


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