Come Home!!!

Scripture For The Day 

 November 8, 2022

"Come Home!"  

Unforgiveness will lead to bitterness and broken relationships. Absalom had held his temper long enough to what his half-brother had done to his sister. After two years, Absalom had Amnon killed. But then he knew he had to flee from his father. King David was angry with Absalom for killing his brother. At first, Absalom was heartbroken. He wanted to come home.  Joab, King David’s second in command was getting tired of seeing David mope about the situation and still refused to let Absalom come home.  So, Joab sent a woman to pretend to be distraught with a story that was similar to the same situation that David was struggling with. The story worked and David agreed to allow Absalom to come home.  This could have been a picture of Jesus Christ for us as a lesson. But this was different. This was stubbornness and pride. David agreed that Absalom could come home but refused to let him back into his house and even into his presence. That’s not Jesus. And because of that decision, Absalom grew more and more bitter towards his father with each passing day. The memories of how his father refused to acknowledge the wrong done to Tamar and how he should have been the one to take care of the situation were just about too much for Absalom to deal with.  He came home but became even more bitter and heartbroken and angry towards his father as time went by and when David finally decided to make amends, Absalom’s heart had already become too cold for reconciliation. 

Aren’t you thankful that our heavenly Father is not like that? He allows us to come back home and restores us, entirely in the security of His loving arms. We are able to come into His Presence, boldly and confidently. Because we have been forgiven and we are loved. He knows our weaknesses. He knows our failures. But He loves us anyway and wants more than anything to have a relationship with us. If you have pulled away from God for whatever reason, it’s not too late for your relationship to be restored. 

Seek His Presence. Run into His Forgiving and Loving Arms. Come home!!!

Reference: 2 Samuel 14 


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