You Are Loved

  Scripture For The Day 

November 3, 2022

"You Are Loved"  

One of the most difficult scriptures for me to read is 2 Samuel 13. Amnon, David’s firstborn son had watched his father get everything he wanted. His father was married to different women and had children with concubines. So, they had a lot of half-siblings going on. They grew up in a lot of confusion.  Amnon began to lust for his half-sister Tamar. Through some bad advice he was given, he raped his half-sister. She begged him not to do it. Then immediately when it was over, he hated her and blamed her for the situation. So, she was treated like trash, right after she was raped. The violation continued. Absalom her full brother was furious upon furious. He took her into his own house and he let the anger fester until two years later he had Amnon killed. Now, David was furious as well but this is the part that breaks my heart more than anything. He did absolutely nothing. No reprimand. No discussion. Nothing. Sweep it under the rug as if it never happened. This lack of concern or justice began to fester even more anger and resentment in the heart of Absalom against his father.  And Tamar? She lived the rest of her days in desolation living in her brother Absalom’s house.

That breaks my heart. She was abused. She was treated like trash and she remained broken for the rest of her life because of the wrong done against her, not only by her half-brother but by her father.  That’s why I tell y’all so often that your bad choices can have devastating effects on others. We will all be held accountable, the saved and the unsaved for how we treat others. The enemy would love nothing better than for people to feel unworthy. We must stop turning a blind eye to what is happening around us. People need to quit spouting platitudes and actually be there for each other. We don't have the answers. There are no miracle words when someone is hurting. But we can love. We can pray. We can support them. But let's not stick our heads in the sand as if nothing has happened. The reality is Evil exists. But Praise God, JESUS CHRIST is The Overcomer.

If the enemy is whispering lies to your heart this morning, shout The Name of JESUS.  If something horrific has happened to you, through no fault of your own, tell your heart, you did not deserve it. Nothing and no one can steal your identity when you have accepted Jesus Christ in your heart. You belong to Him. You have been made worthy through Him. Ladies we matter to God. We are children of the King. We are spotless before our Heavenly Father.

 You are Loved! You are Chosen! You are Precious! You are Beautiful!!! 


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