Blessed Are They That Mourn

Scripture For The Day 

January 19th, 2023 

 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Matthew 5: 4Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 

Matthew 5: 4 

Oh my, even though this scripture doesn't mean what we first think, it still hit home for me when I began to study it. I have had so much difficulty in praying for Peace lately. I know that God’s Peace passes all human understanding. But the loss of such a dear friend, who was nearly family has shaken me to the core and I have struggled with praying for peace. Because how can there be any peace in this situation?  I have prayed for comfort and strength for my friends and loved ones. But Peace? It’s been difficult.  

 Even though He will bring comfort to those who Love Him who are struggling with grief and hurt,  the Beatitudes go much deeper than what we first believe.  That's God's Word. We should never pull the scriptures out of context to make ourselves feel better without fully understanding. The whole sermon was directed to His followers in order to prepare them to live a life for Him.  It is a collection of what to do and how to feel in order to be right with God. It’s about a spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ.  “They who mourn” is speaking about those who have deep sorrow over the sin in their lives that they mourn over it, they have grief over it, and they repent over it. And Thank God we have the freedom that is found in Jesus. We can be forgiven of our sins and receive comfort in knowing that we have everlasting eternal life with JESUS CHRIST> 

The Holy Spirit brings comfort to those who are honest with their sin and truly repent. We can not justify our sin and find comfort while living in it, otherwise, we are not His children. We can’t find true happiness in this world. But we can have joy everlasting in Jesus. 

Mourning- grief over our sin, then repentance resulting in The Holy Spirit bringing comfort with forgiveness. 

Follow along as we draw closer to The Lord through this powerful Sermon. 


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