Consider The Lilies

Scripture For The Day 

February 28, 2023

 "Consider The Lilies" 

Trust Him! Life can feel like a vicious cycle. Work, Accumulate, Struggle.  Too busy for this and too tired for that. There are times it can’t be helped. That’s just the busy world we live in. But too often we bring it on ourselves. Jesus continues with His sermon and gives us a picture of the sweet peace we can have through Him when we focus on the right kinds of things; focus on The Kingdom of God, focus on The Lord. Matthew 6: 25-34-

“So, I tell you, don’t worry about the things you need to live- what you will eat, drink, or wear. Life is more important than food, and the body is more important than what you put on it.” Honestly, I’m not a big food person. I have certain things I like to eat, but it’s just food. I don’t get all the fascination for it and I’ve seen it become a distraction in more ways than one for what is more important. But we gotta eat. However; Jesus tells us there is more to life than worrying about what you will eat, or drink, or wear. “Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or save food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. Don’t you know you are worth much more than they are? You cannot add a cubit to your stature by worrying about it. And why do you worry about clothes? Look at the lilies in the field. See how they grow…King Solomon wasn’t dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers. If God makes what grows in the field so beautiful, what do you think He will do for you? … O ye of little faith. Jesus reminds us that the lost focus on those things, but as a Child of God, we should be focusing on Him. He continues to encourage us to change our focus –  God's Kingdom and do what He wants us to do.  So, don’t worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own (sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof). Worrying about it won’t change that fact.  (Aint’ that the truth?) Tomorrow will have its own worries. Jesus tells us several times to not worry.  Easier said than done, Lord. He had just gone from not focusing on earthly treasures and the pursuit of money, straight into worry. That is profound. He shares how The Father takes care of so many things in this world, yet we are more precious to Him than they are. So why do we have such little faith? He wasn’t condescending or thumping a bible. He was speaking with Love. He was trying to reason with them and us. “Do you trust your Heavenly Father?” When we have our priorities straight then the worry about all those other things fades away. This world is getting darker and it’s difficult not to worry. Jesus isn't saying that we shouldn’t be concerned over the necessities of life but He IS saying don’t let that concern turn into a debilitating worry that takes your eyes off of Him. Because the truth of the matter is- life is tough and we will struggle from time to time. Bad things happen. But the main thing Jesus is wanting us to get from this message is that we are precious to God. Seek Him in everything. Trust Him in everything and set the worries aside because worry doesn’t help anything and because of His Love we can take those burdens to Him every single time. Reminds me of a song I used to sing when I was little – “Why Worry? When you can pray. Trust Jesus, He’ll make a way.” Amen and Amen He Will Make a Way! 


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