Jesus Teaches Us About Prayer

Scripture For The Day

 February 23, 2023

Jesus teaches us about prayer. Matthew 6:5-15

 When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites. They love to stand in the synagogues or the front of the church and even on street corners and pray loudly for everyone else to hear. They want people to see them and acknowledge how ‘holy’ they are.  And according to Jesus that is all the reward they will get. But when you pray, you should go into your room or your prayer closet and close the door. Then begin to pray to your Father in Heaven. He is there right with you in that private place. Nothing can be hidden from Him. So, no worries, you don’t have to be in the crowd for The Lord to hear you. There’s nothing wrong with praying out loud in church. It all goes back to the heart. You will be rewarded when your heart is right with Jesus.  Remember Jesus was addressing His disciples and His followers with His Sermon on the mount. He sets forth a challenge for us to live a life that focuses on Him; not for salvation, but for a closer relationship look at it like this, the rewards are an incentive program. A star on a chart for the student who does good in class. But when it comes down to it, when you live for The Lord, your life will reflect Jesus for all the world to see and bring lost souls to Christ.  

Jesus continues in verse 7- And when you pray, don’t be like the people who don’t know God.

That statement right there lets us know that you can be a hypocrite and still be a Christian. Because He went from hypocrites in verse 5 to unbelievers in verse 7. Jesus speaks often about the hypocrites. It just means acting a part. Someone who knows all the Christianese language yet is not consistent with their true character. So, yes Christians can be hypocrites but we shouldn’t be. The unbelievers will say the same things again and again, not fully trusting in The Lord but just going through the motions. Jesus says… Don’t be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you even ask Him. So, Jesus gives us an example of prayer. This prayer was not to be a ritualistic prayer. But an example for us to learn by. Our Father, Who art in heaven. – acknowledge that God is our Father and He loves His children. Hallowed- means that His Name is Holy and not to be used flippantly or as an expletive. Thy Kingdom come- His desire is that we seek His Kingdom first, and focus on Him. Your Will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven- God’s desire is that we Trust Him and His Will. Give us today our daily bread- Trusting God to provide for us. And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors- Repent and seek God for forgiveness. We also need to forgive others who have done us wrong.  And lead us not into temptation – Ask The Father to keep us away from temptation. We all are tempted in one way or another. We need His Help. But deliver us from evil- Pray for God’s protection over our own lives and our loved ones. The enemy is out to destroy our witness. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Glory for ever, Amen.

It ALL belongs to Him. Trust Him. Acknowledge Him. Worship Him. Pray for others. Pray for protection. That should be our prayer every day.

Jesus reiterates the importance of forgiveness; For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you forgive not, then your Father will not forgive you. Get Right with God. Get Right with others. Pray and don’t be a hypocrite. 


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