Be True, Be Honest, Be Pure

Scripture For The Day  

March 10, 2023

 "Be True, Be Honest, Be Pure" 

One of the quickest ways to get me angry or frustrated is to lie to me. I can not deal with being lied to. It’s difficult to trust people as it is without being lied to. And for some odd reason, there are people that will lie about the stupidest things. I have stood face to face with people even in church and recognize that they are lying to me, over nothing. It’s crazy ridiculous. I grew up with some people who would lie as easily as they breathed and so I’ve learned quickly to recognize the liars and I generally end up steering clear of them. Especially the older I get. I don’t have time for mind games. So, I pull away from those people. I remain friendly and loving and will pray for them. But conversations are very limited. Life’s too short for that junk. I need to Trust you to have a relationship with you. 2 John reminds us that there are MANY false teachers in this world right then and right now. He warns us to be aware of that fact and to stay away from them. They can not be trusted. They are pretenders. John warns us that if anyone accepts the teaching of a false teacher then they are an enemy of Jesus Christ. Be careful, John says, so that you will receive the full reward. Even if you have accepted Jesus into your heart, if you choose to follow bad doctrine, you will not get the full rewards that The Father has set aside for you. Steadfastness, due diligence, honesty, continue to follow His Word with Truth and Grace. Don’t accept those people that teach the wrong doctrine into your church, let alone into your house. Don’t welcome them, John says. If you do, you are helping them with their evil work.

Honesty and Trust are esteemed characteristics that are being overlooked and undervalued in this day and age. Time is running out for satan and he is on the rampage. He is a deceitful enemy and the father of all lies. He wants nothing better than to trick us into having a false sense of what’s okay. He wants us to be comfortable in our sins.  

Child of God, the day we get comfortable with our sin, is the day we need to reevaluate our salvation. Seek The Lord in His Word and in Prayer. Ask Him to keep you honest, even when it’s difficult, especially when it’s difficult. Be True! Be Honest! Be Pure! Think on these things. 


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