Oh, How Sharp That Two-Edged Sword Can Be

Scripture For The Day 

 March 23, 2023

 "Oh, How Sharp That Two-Edged Sword Can Be" 

We often use the idiom “it cuts deeper than a two-edged sword” to describe situations that can have a positive and negative effect. The Word of God is that double-edged sword. Hebrews 4:12 His Word is Alive and Working. It’s so sharp it cuts us to the core, to where the soul and the spirit are joined. In other words, in many ways, His Word comforts and encourages us but His Word is also meant to convict our hearts to change our ways.  Nothing is hidden from God and we all need correction from time to time. Correction leads to growth.  

In Revelation 2:12-13 John continues to write what Jesus tells him to. He tells John to write to the church in Pergamum; “Here is a message from The One Who has the sharp sword with two edges; I know where you live. You live where satan has his throne, but you are true to me… But I have a few things against you…So change your hearts! If you don’t change, I will come quickly and fight against these people with the sword that comes out of my mouth.”

When John first began to receive the letters he was to write to the churches, Jesus appeared to him in a vision with a two-edged sword coming out of His Mouth. Rev 1:16 When Jesus speaks, He Speaks The Word of God, He is The Word of God. All He has to do is speak it and it happens. The worlds were formed by Him speaking them into existence and the world will end the same way. By the Word of The Lord the heavens were made- Psalm 33:6. By The Final Victory of Jesus The Word will be spoken _ (From His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations) – Rev 19:15.

The Bible, The Word of God, can cut us open to the core to where no secrets can be hidden from Him. The conviction that His Word brings to our hearts is not meant to condemn but to help us grow closer to Him. He is not thumping a bible or yelling at us in anger. Every time Jesus got attacked on this earth, He used The Word of God. When He was asked questions, He replied with questions concerning scripture from The Word of God. He is still speaking to our hearts today through His Word. He is cutting us to the core. We live in a world that is surrounded by satan and his evil ways. We allow this evil to enter our households and our churches in subtle ways. The enemy stealthily is infiltrating our lives.  We need to change. We need to be cut to the core once again.  If you have Jesus in your heart already, it’s not about salvation. That conviction is about drawing closer to Him. The conviction is about discernment between good and evil. The conviction is about standing up for The Truth in this ever-increasing dark world. The conviction is the same as a child being scolded for not doing what a parent expects them to do. It’s about Love, not condemnation. It’s about building a stronger relationship with Him so that others may see Who He is and fall in love with Him just like you did. But oh, how that two-edged sword can hurt at times. Open The Eyes of our hearts, Lord, Let Your Word speak to our hearts even if it stings. Let us see you in everything!  


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