A Woman Named Damaris

Scripture For The Day 

 April 20, 2023

"A Woman Named Damaris" 

A woman named Damaris- another small one-liner. But a reminder that The Lord cares as much about men as He does women. I began this study because throughout the years I have had young ladies talk to me about their feelings of inadequacy and lack of value in the church, in the bible specifically. They have stated that through sermons or teachings, they have listened to that it seems as if women are of no value to The Lord.  Though, I have shared prominent scriptures that show the value of women. I felt the strong need to embark on a journey throughout the bible.

Damaris was a prominent woman in Athens, Greece. She is mentioned as being in a small group of individuals that accepted Jesus into her heart under the preaching of Paul. Luke records this moment in Acts 17. While Paul sat waiting for Silas and Timothy in Athens, he became more and more upset as he looked at all the idol statues. He began talking with the Jews and the Greeks in the synagogues that were worshipers of The True God. He also went to the public square every day and talked with everyone coming by. Some were intellectuals like Paul.  Paul had been trained by some of the highest intellectuals and theologians as he was growing up but he chose not to use those big words as he began preaching in order to reach everyone. As he preached in Athens, many of these philosophers argued with him. They finally took him to a council for him to speak to them.  Paul tells them that as he was going through their city he found all the things they worshipped, including “An Unknown God”. And he told them he wanted to tell them about The One True God. When the people heard about Jesus being raised from the dead, some of them began to laugh. But others said, “Maybe, will listen another time..” When Paul left, a few of the people joined with Paul and became believers. Among those were Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus council, a woman named Damaris, and some others.” Verse 34.

This small group had only two that were specifically named and one of them was a woman named Damaris. She was evidently, in the synagogue listening with the others. She chose to follow Paul out and became a true believer like the others. It was important enough for The Lord to have her name mentioned in this scripture. So, she’s important enough for me to mention her in this study. She mattered and so do you. And one day when we get to heaven we will get to meet this woman named Damaris. 


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