Assertiveness is NOT Aggresiveness

Scripture For The Day 

April 11, 2023

"Be Assertive Like Achsah" 

It can be difficult for a woman to speak up. Chances are that when she does, she will be labeled a troublemaker or just another mouthy woman. But when it comes to The Truth we all need to speak up. God has given us the boldness, men and women alike, to speak The Truth.  We are to Stand True to God’s Word, regardless of what anyone else says about it. If we don’t, we will be held accountable for it one day. We need to stand up for ourselves. When I first got married I was quiet and passive. It concerned my husband so much to the point that he began to encourage me to think for myself and to speak up for myself. He says he created a monster. Lol Through the years I’ve learned the hard way that you have to be careful with who you are speaking to. Because of how people can be. The lady on my heart this morning is Achsah. She was Caleb’s daughter. You remember Caleb? He was given the important task of leading the people into the promised land. As great a man of God Moses was, he wasn’t allowed to go into the promised land because of his disobedience to God. Caleb loved The Lord with all of his heart and here enters his daughter Achsah. She was to be given to the victor of a battle which was commonplace at that time.  Othniel took on that challenge and won. She was a beautiful woman. After Achsah and Othniel were married she went to Othniel and urged him to ask her father for a field.  this would have been an addition to the land they already received upon marriage.

Refer to Joshua 15:16-19 and it's repeated in Judges 1:12-15 (that means something) I believe it is a picture of how we should approach our Heavenly Father with boldness and respect.  “And it came to pass, as she came unto him, (Othniel) to ask of her father a field: (again, this would more than likely be an addition to the land they received when they married. But when she got off the donkey, ( climbing down from the donkey was a sign of respect)  Caleb asked her directly what he could do for her. and she took the moment to ask. Despite already receiving gifts upon marriage she asked for more. Because she knew they would struggle without water. She knew that they would need more " and she lighted off her ass; and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest thou?” and she answered in the next verse 19 “Give me a blessing; for thou hast given me a south land give me also springs of water. (All she asked for was one section of water. But notice what happens.) “And he gave her the upper springs, and the nether springs.” Because of her boldness and respect, she received more than she had asked for. What a picture of God's Goodness with how He Blesses us more than we ever thought possible. We tell our daughter often that it doesn’t hurt to ask. Even if the answer is no, at least you asked. Sadly, even in this day and age, being assertive for a woman often ends up feeling as if she is being demanding and that is so often not the case. 

It’s okay to be assertive in matters that are important for our families as well as for things that concern our hearts. It’s really okay. But above all, we need to remember that every day we are given responsibilities to speak The Truth for The Lord, acknowledge His Truth, and Stand Up for Him. There are consequences for our actions, including the inactions of not standing up for The Truth. And sometimes that means putting yourself on the line and asking questions and being assertive enough to receive The Blessings that are waiting for you.

 Let's be assertive like Achsah! Assertiveness is NOT Aggressiveness. 


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