Claudia Says to tell you Hi!

Scripture For The Day 

 April 19, 2023

Claudia says to tell you Hi!

Claudia- not much is said of her. Another one-liner. “Do thy diligence to come before winter. Eubulus greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all brethren.”- 2 Corinthians 4:21.

Paul is writing to Timothy. He is closing out his letter by saying that these people also say hi. It’s like the letters we used to write. “Mom sends her love” “Tommy says to tell you Hi!”  Paul specifically mentions these four individuals first because they were the closest to him at that particular moment in his life. This letter was the last letter written from his imprisonment while in Rome. He died soon afterward. Too many individuals have used Paul as an example to keep women behind the scenes. Claudia was counted among the closest of his peeps at this time in his life. She was a Christian woman that was devoted to helping Paul in any way she could. Paul specifically mentions her along with the other three, including all the brethren. Brethren is a synonym meaning believers. Contrary to some popular belief it does not refer to only men. Brethren is like saying mankind. Except brethren means “believers in Christ”. In this final letter, Paul is obviously tired and hurt and a bit brokenhearted. Read the whole chapter. I imagine he was tired from it all. He felt abandoned in his imprisonment and isolation.  For whatever reason, many of his closest entourage were not there for him in the end. Some were probably dead. Some were probably just busy. Despite his fatigue, he continued to encourage the others, to encourage Timothy, to encourage us to keep on, keeping on. Continue the fight. Tell everyone the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do this with great patience and careful teaching. Verse 3- there will come a time when people will not listen to the true teaching, the sound doctrine. People will find more and more teachers to say what they want to hear- tickle their itching ears. People will stop listening to the truth and begin telling false stories in the churches. Demas backslid back into the world. Titus went elsewhere. Paul asked for Mark to come even though had a squabble years before. Someone named Alexander hurt Paul deeply. Refer to Verse 16.  The first time Paul stood up for himself, no one helped him. Everyone abandoned him. But The Lord gave him strength to continue his work.  But these few he specifically mentions remained devoted to him and why I shared all of that and this included a woman named Claudia and she sends her greetings as well as the others… she says to tell y’all Hi!


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