Favored With Grace

Scripture For The Day  

April 12th, 2023

 "Favored with Grace" 

Several women are listed in the Bible as having some sort of special moment with Jesus.  I love reading those moments and though it’s just a few short verses, her love and devotion for The Lord speaks volumes and encourages my weary heart this morning.   Refer to Luke 2:36-38 Just three short verses and what an impact her love has made on me. Anna was a prophetess. Her name literally means ‘favor’ or ‘grace’. I love that. At this point in her life, she was probably in her 80’s. She had been widowed for a very long time. Her husband died just seven short years from the time they were married. So, more than likely she was in her twenties when her husband died. But instead of marrying again, she devoted her life to God and the expectation of the coming Messiah. She was at the temple all the time.  She chose to spend every moment of the remainder of her life praying and fasting and worshiping God and ministering to others in the temple. And God blessed her service by allowing her to see the baby Messiah face to face. She had been hoping and praying for most of her life for just this very moment. Her wait was finally over. Thousands of babies had come and gone into the temple as parents came to give their purification offerings to God as per the custom at that time. Then one day, in walks Joseph and Mary carrying the baby Jesus.  When they entered, Simeon, a man who The Holy Spirit had revealed unto him that he wouldn’t die until he saw the Messiah for himself recognized, again through the help of The Holy Spirit, that this baby was The Messiah. He had been led that very day to go to the temple and when Simeon saw the baby Jesus, he picked Him up in his arms and spoke a prayer and a prophecy over Jesus. At this moment, Anna enters. She also immediately recognizes through The Holy Spirit that this baby was the long-awaited Savior and began Thanking The Lord. “She gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem” Luke 2:38.  There is no retirement age for Christians. Even though you might feel like giving up. Anna was among the first few to honor the birth of Our King and she shared The Good News with everyone- The Redeemer has Come.  The Lord Blessed this humble woman by letting her see His Sweet Little face. It makes my heart smile just thinking about this Blessed Moment. Just another woman that The Lord placed His Favor upon.  Thank You, Lord for these precious moments that You have placed in Your Word for us to read and be encouraged by. 


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