Great Is Thy Faith

Scripture For The Day 

 April 18, 2023

"Great Is Thy Faith" 

Today we are going to talk about an unnamed Canaanite woman. Refer to Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:25-30. Jesus’ response to this desperate mother feels hurtful and contrary to the loving Jesus we hear so much about. But again, there is so much more going on than what we first think. Here is a mother that has a daughter who is being tormented by a demon. “ Have mercy on me, O Lord, Thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.” But Jesus doesn’t answer her. And His disciples came to Him because she kept crying out over and over. They wanted Him to send her away. She was disturbing their plans, their peace. You see, she was not a Jew. She was not of their ‘family.’ She was considered unworthy and an outcast. But she was desperate. Her daughter was in imminent danger and needed help that only a Savior could give. So, she ignored the looks. She ignored the trembling in her body as she drew closer to Jesus. She ignored the voice within her own heart that told her she had no business being there. Her daughter needed help and that’s all she could think about and she needed help NOW! So, she continued to cry out – Lord! Lord! Lord! Help me! We NEED YOU! Jesus’ response seems hurtful to us as we read it. But let’s look a little closer. First off, His first mission was to reach the Jewish people. He told the disciples that when they came to Him about her. It wasn’t time for the others just yet. But she wouldn’t go away, she came to Him and worshipped Him, saying “Lord, help me” I can just picture the desperation on her face.  But He answered her “It’s not right to take the children’s bread (Israelites) and throw it to the dogs” (Anyone who was not a Jew) Ouch! That must have hurt. But she didn’t let it stop her. She didn’t walk away hurt or angry. She didn’t get offended and get discouraged. She swallowed her pride and replied “True, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table” She was willing to take any crumb, any scrap of help that He would let fall to her daughter. Her courage and Her faith were all that Jesus needed to hear. “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole that very moment”

This momma didn’t let her fears get the best of her. This momma didn’t care about what anyone else had to say about her or her child. She only knew that they needed help and that Jesus was The Only One who could give them that help. Nothing was going to keep her from calling out to Jesus, regardless of what anyone else had to say about it. And because she believed in Him with all her heart, she went home to a daughter that was free from that evil torment. I can only imagine the sweet embrace between this momma and daughter when she got home. Her daughter was FREE! What a witness they must have been for their family and friends. I’m so Thankful that we can go to Jesus at any time. He hears our prayers. He doesn’t turn us away. We have been adopted into His family and we belong to Him. no more being an outcast regardless of what anyone else has to say. Thank You, JESUS! 


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