The Journey

Scripture For The Day 

Originally posted on  April 12th, 2022

"The Journey" 

(Sorry for running behind) It’s important to me to take the steps every year, to travel if you will, the road that Jesus traveled the week before His resurrection.  Here is Sunday- Tuesday.

It was a beautiful spring day. The city was crowded with people who had come to participate in the annual celebration. His journey would soon be over. (Though His Entire Life on Earth was all about His Mission, His walking Ministry had only begun just a short few years ago.)  He had spent many months traveling and teaching and doing what needed to be done. Now the time had come. It all came down to these last few moments. Before they entered the city, He had warned His friends that some things were going to happen that would be upsetting to them. But not to worry, this was what was meant to happen. As they approached the city, He sent two of His friends to get a donkey colt in a nearby village. He told them exactly where and how to get it and of course, it happened just like He said. As He rode into Jerusalem on the back of the donkey- crowds were already gathering. They had heard that this “Jesus” the performer of miracles was coming to town. They waved palm branches, a sign of victory, and shouted “Hosanna! Blessed be He that cometh in the Name of The Lord.” Only a King would be greeted this way, little did the people know that He is THE King and no one is higher than Him. This day is what we call Palm Sunday, one week before He is resurrected. He ended up leaving the city and spending the night at His friends’ house in Bethany- a town two miles east of Jerusalem.

On Monday- Jesus returned to Jerusalem. Along the way, He cursed a fig tree for not having any fruit. He will use it as a lesson on Tuesday. But today, Jesus was headed for the temple in Jerusalem. When He got there, He was not happy with what He saw. They were selling and cheating in areas of the Temple that were meant to be sacred. But they had turned it into a den of thieves. Today, we see a lack of respect in the Sanctuary like never before. Would He come in through our doors and knock things around? Hmmm, just a thought. That night, He was back in Bethany.

Tuesday, they returned to Jerusalem. On the way, they saw the fig tree, it was withered away. Jesus spoke to them about how important it was to be True in our faith. We are to share Jesus with others. We are to be fruitful. They returned to the temple. By this time, the religious leaders were extremely upset with Jesus. They decided to trick Him into saying something or doing something that could get Him arrested. But Jesus is too smart for that. It wasn’t yet time. Later that afternoon, they left the city and went to the Mount of Olives, which overlooks the Temple. Here is where Jesus preached a Great Sermon, using parables and symbolism. Tuesday is also the day when Judas decided to negotiate with the Sanhedrin to betray Jesus for some money.  Jesus returned to Bethany for the night.

Focus on each day this week that leads up to what Jesus went through for you and for me. Don’t get distracted by the Bunny. This is what it’s all about. His birth by a virgin, His death, and His resurrection. He was meant for this purpose from the very beginning. The Father knew we needed a Savior and He sent His ONLY Begotten Son.  Listen to His calling before it’s everlasting too late. 


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