With God Nothing is Impossible!

Scripture For The Day 

April 24, 2023

Today we study Elizabeth- Luke 1.

Elizabeth was the cousin of Mary the mother of Jesus. She wanted nothing more than to be a mother.  Back then women who couldn’t bear children were ridiculed and humiliated if they were childless. But Elizabeth didn’t allow her disappointments or the hatefulness of others to keep her from Praising God and He had an awesome plan.

 Zechariah and Elizabeth were both good people who pleased The Lord. They did everything He told them to do. Yet, they still had no children. By this time according to Luke, she was too old. – Luke 1:7 One day an angel of The Lord came and stood before Zechariah and told him that Elizabeth would give birth to a baby boy and they were to name him John. John would be a great man for The Lord who would prepare the way for The Lord and be filled with The Holy Spirit. Zechariah questioned the angel because of how old he and Elizabeth were. And because of his disbelief, the angel, Gabriel, told him that he would lose his voice because he refused to believe what he was being told. Soon, Elizabeth became pregnant. While in her six months of pregnancy, Mary, newly pregnant with Jesus was told by the angel Gabriel to go to her cousin Elizabeth who was also pregnant, though she was old and reminded Mary that with God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.  When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the unborn baby inside of her jumped with joy, and she was filled with The Holy Spirit. In a loud voice, she says to Mary, “God has blessed you more than any other woman. You are the mother of The Lord and you have come to me! Why has something so good happened to me? Later John was born, and Zechariah got his voice back and was filled with The Holy Spirit and Praised God.

These two people loved The Lord so much and never allowed their own disappointments to keep them from Praising God. No matter what others were saying behind their backs. No matter what cultural stigmas were being placed on them. They Loved The Lord and continued to Trust in Him.  And did you notice all three of them were filled with The Holy Spirit?- Zechariah, Elizabeth, and their baby boy John.   

This story had a happy ending. Not everybody has those happy endings. I believe the lesson to be learned from Elizabeth is that no matter the circumstances, hurt, or disparaging looks and bad treatment from others, we need to continue to stand True to God and His Word and continue to Trust in Him no matter what comes. For with that Trust comes Blessings upon Blessings that can not be measured. For With God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! 


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