A Mother's Faith

Scripture For The Day 

 May 12, 2023

"A Mother's Faith!" 

The Bible doesn’t record one single word that Jochebed said, but her story is a courageous and loving story of a faithful Mother. How perfect for us to study her with Mother’s Day just a couple days away.  A new king began to rule Egypt. He looked at all the Israelites and said there were too many of them. They are stronger than us. If a revolution breaks out, we are done for. Eventually, the king told the Hebrew midwives to kill all the baby boys. We will study their story further down the line. Today, let’s look at Jochebed. She Loved God with all her heart and trusted Him even in the midst of her fear.  

Jochebed was the wife of a Levite. During the reign of this king/pharaoh, she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. She couldn’t stand the thought of her baby boy being killed. So, she hid him for three months, as long as she could. After three months she made a basket, covered it with tar so it would float, and put the baby in the basket in the tall grass of the river. The baby’s sister Miriam watched nearby. Just then, Pharaoh's daughter went to the river to bathe and saw the baby in the basket. The baby was crying and she felt sorry for him. Miriam went to the princess and asked if she wanted her to get a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby. And the princess said Yes. So, Miriam went to fetch her mother and the princess sent the baby back with Jochebed for her to feed him and take care of him until he was weaned and was given back to the princess to be adopted as her own son. She named him Moses because she had pulled him out of the water.

Throughout the story of these events, we aren’t even told the name of Moses’ mother. We find that further on in the Bible. But she was so courageous. Despite what fear she must have had, she fought that fear, trusted God, and defied the laws of this king. She had faith that God would protect her baby boy. She had faith that God would turn this thing around. And her faith was rewarded by getting her baby boy returned to her. While she had him, she taught him about God and he grew up to be the leader of the Hebrew Nation and led his own people out of slavery.  All three of Jochebed’s children had vital roles in the emancipation of the Hebrew nation from slavery: Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. All because a Momma trusted The Lord to watch over her baby boy. 

Let My People Go!!! 


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