Accept Her the Way God's People Should

Scripture For The Day 

 May 15, 2023

"Accept Her the Way God's People Should" 

Romans 16 is an eye-opening chapter for me.  Poor Paul has been used and abused in so many ways, in his life and even after his death. He has been misinterpreted on several occasions. One is that Paul had no use for women and that they were to be kept quiet and, in the background, and that, my friends, is an error in judgment. The Lord sent Paul to reach people of various ethnicities, races, and gender. When we accept Jesus, we are all ONE in Him. Romans 16 is a remarkable chapter in the fact that Paul publicly honors women at a time when women were not honored in the Roman Empire. He held these women in high esteem and they occupied various important roles within the church.  Paul describes the women in this chapter in the same terms as he uses for the men. He shines a light on these ladies as being co-workers in Christ and recognizes how hard they work for The Lord. He includes them with the men as in brethren- which means brothers AND sisters in Christ. He begins chapter 16 by saying “I want you to know that you can trust Phebe, our sister in Christ. She is a servant of the church in Cenchrea. (This letter was sent through a woman, who was a deacon of the church and a traveling worker for The Lord) Accept her the way God’s people should. Help her with anything she needs from you… verse 3 goes on with Paul greeting Priscilla and Aquila, the couple that helped Paul in various ways and held church in their own house. Verse 6 – Greetings also to Mary. She worked very hard. The greetings continue to male and female, verse 12- Paul sends greetings to Tryphaena and Tryphosa, women who work very hard for the Lord. Paul sends greetings to his dear friend, Persis, she also worked very hard for The Lord. Greetings to Rufus and his mother who was like a mother to Paul, they were chosen by The Lord. Verse 15, greetings to Philogus and Julia, to Nereus and his sister… Give each a holy kiss, a special greeting.

After the Greetings, Paul begins the purpose of his letter, Tertius was the one actually writing the letter for Paul- refer to verse 22.  Brethren, (Brothers and Sisters) I want you to be very careful of those who cause arguments and hurt people’s faith by teaching things that are against what you learned. Stay away from them. People like that are not serving our Lord Christ. They are only pleasing themselves. They use fancy talk and say nice things to fool those who don’t know about evil. Everyone has heard you do what you were taught, and I am very happy about that. But I want you to be wise… Paul encouraged them to be careful. He sent a letter to the Christian leaders in Rome, men, and women alike. It’s also a warning for us to be very cautious of what and who we trust. But it’s also a reminder that God has called each of us to a ministry of His purpose, male and female alike. And we will all be held accountable one day regarding that calling.  Stay True. Stay Strong and Teach His Word! 


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