And a Certain Woman Named Lydia

Scripture For The Day 

May 17, 2023

"And a Certain Woman Named Lydia" 

And a certain woman named Lydia… Lydia was a businesswoman. It never mentions a husband. Her business was a lucrative one. She knew how to make it all on her own. Her business was dealing in an expensive and desired product, purple dye for cloth. She originally lived in Thyatira, which was known for its beautiful dyes and beautiful purple cloth. It was rather expensive. So, only the rich could afford them. Lydia loved God and worshiped Him more than her success. She must have moved to Philippi because one day, at an outside ladies' prayer meeting, Paul, Silas and Luke showed up preaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ and Lydia’s heart was opened to The Truth of Jesus and accepted Him in her heart that day and was baptized. Lydia was Paul’s first convert in Philippi and the first recorded convert to be saved in Europe. She immediately wanted to serve The Lord in any way she could and insisted that the mission team come to her house and stay there until they moved on. And the birth of a church began in her home.

At a time when women rarely were able to show any independence, Lydia was successful and independent, and her product was popular. Yet, she still knew that she needed something more. She needed someone more. Despite her successful life, she needed a Savior, and her heart was willing to listen and accept The Truth of Jesus Christ.

Lydia became a leader and a staunch supporter in the spreading of The Gospel of Christ.

No material wealth can compare to the richness of Loving Jesus. 


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