Blessed Beyond Her Dreams

Scripture For The Day 

 May 3, 2023

Blessed Beyond Her Dreams

Childless women have suffered for centuries over something they have no control over.  Elkanah had two wives; Peninnah, who had children, and Hannah who had none. Elkanah loved Hannah very much, even without the children. And he let everyone know. So, of course, this did not bode well for their ungodly union. Peninnah used Hannah’s infertility to her advantage. She began to tease and taunt Hannah’s childless condition to make her feel bad. This happened even more when the family went to the Lord’s house in Shiloh every year. Peninnah hurt Hannah so much that Hannah would cry and wouldn’t eat anything. She didn’t get jealous and retaliate. It just broke her heart.  Elkanah got quite concerned and asked her “Why won’t you eat? Why are you so sad? You have me. Aren’t I better than having ten sons?” 

To Elkanah, her value was much more to him than being a mother to his children. But it wasn’t to her. She gave in and ate a little and then went quietly into the temple to pray. Eli, the priest, was sitting near the door and was watching her.  She prayed a long time, crying as she prayed, lips moving but no words coming out. She prayed from her heart. She promised The Lord that if He gave her a son that she would dedicate his life to serving Him. But because no sound came from her lips, Eli assumed she was drunk and he rebuked her. She begged him not to think the worst but that her heart was broken by her troubles and she was very sad. “Go in peace” Eli answers. “May God give you what you have asked of Him” 

By that time next year, Hannah had given birth to Samuel. She didn’t go to Shiloh that year. She stayed home with the baby. When he was old enough to eat solid food, Hannah took him to Shiloh, with offerings, and gave the boy to Eli to raise because of the promise she had made to God. As the father, Elkanah could have revoked her promise. But it meant so much to his love, Hannah. And when she left she worshiped The Lord for answering her prayers. Refer to 1 Samuel 2 for this beautiful prayer of thanks. And every year Hannah took Samuel a new handmade robe when they went to Shiloh. 

Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife and He asked The Lord to give Hannah more children. And The Lord answered their prayers. She had three sons and two daughters and Samuel grew up in that Holy place in Shiloh learning to serve The Lord. And because Hannah honored her promise to The Lord, Samuel grew up to be pivotal in benefiting the whole nation of Israel becoming a well-respected prophet and spiritual leader of their Nation. Hannah is a lesson for all of us. 

In her time of sorrow, she turned to God. She praised God and thanked Him for answered prayers. She didn't retaliate and hurt the ones who hurt her. She went to God. She kept her commitment to Him and dedicated her child to Him. and because of all that, The Lord blessed her beyond her dreams. 


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