Preparing for Our Wedding

Scripture For The Day 

July 26, 2023

"Preparing For Our Wedding" 

“As we grow in Christ, we become more and more beautiful to The One for Whom we’re preparing ourselves. We are preparing for our wedding day.”

My husband and I were so young when we got married. We didn’t think so at the time.  But we definitely were. We just knew we were meant to be together. We discovered in each other a love that we never knew. And that love has continued to grow despite the bumps and bruises along the way. In a little over a month we will be celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary. Wedding implies a fancy shindig.  But ours wasn’t like that.  No one expected it to last. No one really wanted it to happen. My grandmother sent money for me to buy a simple dress and shoes and a nice shirt for Tom. There was no fancy hair do. There were no decorations. There were no bridesmaids. There were no parties. Our rings came from a pawnshop. But it didn’t matter to us. All that mattered was we loved each other. The only ones present at the wedding was our immediate family and a preacher. That was the One thing I wanted more than anything was to be married in a church by a preacher. There was no walking down the aisle on the arm of my father. But between the two of us there was lots of love and yet, I still felt completely unworthy and impure. There was a lot about me that I had yet to share with my love. Things I never wanted to share with anyone. Things that have left me, most all of my life feeling unworthy and impure. Through no fault of my own. So, as I read these words in my study this morning, I was reminded once again that The Lord is The One Who makes me worthy. As I grow in Him, it’s still difficult for me to recognize that I am becoming more and more beautiful in His eyes. My wedding day is fast approaching and He is preparing me for what lies ahead. There are many preparations going on that I can’t see. My bridegroom is working on my wedding dress. It will be the most beautiful dress of fine pure linen, like you have never seen. There are innumerable saints waiting for me to walk down that aisle. Ready to shout and cheer me on. It’s as if I can hear their encouraging shouts this morning. The reflection that I will see as I walk down that aisle will show a Beautiful Saint, smiling from ear to ear, feeling Love surrounding me and within me, so much so, that I won’t even recognize myself. My groom will be waiting with arms opened wide, eyes shining with Love and a promise of eternal forevers. The church is the Bride and our Bridegroom is preparing a place for you and me. As for now, I will be content on this old rock, with my earthly forever love. Who truly loves me in spite of myself. Who sees a beauty in me that I have never understood. And I am so very Blessed. Treasure each other. Love each other. See the Beauty in each other. Life is so very short. “And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints” – Revelation 19:8


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