Call On Him

Scripture For The Day  

August 15th, 2023

"Call on Him" 

A beautiful thing happened Sunday, our grandson was baptized. He was saved back in June and it kept staying on his heart to be baptized. He can be timid about many things but he was determined in his heart to be baptized. He even told his momma beforehand that he wasn’t scared at all; he was excited.  People; that is God. But the enemy will try and make us question the things of God.  I firmly believe that the enemy was attacking my grandson yesterday.  He was not his usual self. He was struggling. Everything was an argument. Though he probably needed a whipping; I didn’t give him one. I scolded. I talked to him. I recognized that something was going on. Until finally I said, "Let’s go to the couch.” We knelt and I began to pray. Before we even got up from that spot, he began sharing his concerns and worries and the dark cloud that had been hovering over him began to lift.

 Before he was done sharing his worries, he told me that he keeps waiting and waiting on his baptism. I was confused and I said, “What do you mean? You were baptized Sunday, you’re done” He looked up at me and quietly said “I’m worried it didn’t work” I began to realize what he was saying to me. “Because you don’t feel any different?” and he said “YES!” I told him; “Honey, the change came when you accepted Jesus into your heart? Do you remember that night?” He began to smile and his face lit up. “YES!” “ Do you remember how peaceful and excited you felt? You had no doubts that Jesus came into your heart?” Again he smiled and said “YES!” “Well, that’s when the change happens! Baptism is just a way for us to show others that we have accepted Jesus into our hearts.”  I had prepared him for baptism. We studied baptism and how it represents the death, the burial, and the resurrection.  He knew all about those things. But somewhere along the line, he thought he wouldn’t have any more worries. He would never be frustrated again. He would never get mad. He would never be sad. I told him as we sat there on the floor that we all have bad days and good days. That doesn’t change. We still get frustrated and even angry. But with Jesus in our hearts, we can go to Him and ask Him to help us get over our fears and frustrations. He can calm our hearts. He can bring us comfort. He will help us get through the day. And that little man got up from that ‘altar’ with that sweet spirit that I know so well. Will he still have those bad days? You bet. We all do. But those of us who have accepted Jesus, have a friend that is closer than a brother and we can go to him in prayer, no matter where we are: “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.” – Psalm 91 

Please Pray for our young brothers and sisters in Christ. Please Pray for my grandson. 



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