Fear Tactics

Scripture For The Day 

 August 11, 2023

"Fear Tactics" 

I turned on the radio the other day and a man was speaking. I assumed it must be the news by the seriousness and authority of his tone. But then I realized it was just another fear tactic commercial. Everyone needed to sign on with him by a certain date or our money will be rendered useless. I began shaking my head; that is our society; scare tactics. It’s also the way with the enemy? He can’t read our minds. But he knows our fears by our past mistakes, our body language, and what we verbally share. He is a fantastic profiler. He examines us closely. The enemy will take our fears and exaggerate the situation in our minds to the point that we are scared to death that such and such will happen.  We essentially become like deer in the headlights, frozen to the point we get ran over.

If we are going to stand against the enemy at all, we need to understand his tactics. He is sly. We are told to prepare for the fight. The battle is ongoing. The Lord fights our battles. But we need to stand our ground and not get pushed back. So, The Lord tells us to prepare for warfare. “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”  - Ephesians 6 The enemy is increasing his attacks on Christians every single day. It doesn’t matter what position we hold in life, in work, in the church; we are called to do the work of The Lord. Whatever He calls us to do, we are working for Him. Because of that calling, we need to be aware that the enemy will be gunning for us.  Put on The WHOLE Armor of God. Be aware of his sinister tactics, don’t be ignorant of his devices; 2 Corinthians 2:11.

The enemy is a LIAR. He is a DECEIVER. He is PERSISTENT. He enjoys spreading GOSSIP and again LIES/ Slander. He will INFILTRATE and encourage FALSE TEACHING in a subtle way. One of the tactics the enemy enjoys using on me is PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.  He is prowling around like a roaring lion searching for someone to devour. That roar often paralyzes the prey with fear for the enemy to attack. Often the enemy will attack after something great has happened. He is an OPPORTUNIST with his attacks. He also encourages believers to COMPROMISE their faith in order to appease society, thereby encouraging him further.  Don’t fall into this trap. Stand Strong in The Word of God, no matter who you are dealing with. Stand up for Jesus, no matter what is said about you. Stand Strong. Love Abundantly. But Stay True to His Word. Be aware of the enemy who may be infiltrating your camp. Recognize his tactics. Seek The Lord and prepare for warfare and the weapons of the enemy will become useless against you. Protect your mind and your heart; Keep your eyes on JESUS!


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