Lay Me Down in Peace and Sleep

Scripture For The Day 

October 13, 2023

"Lay Me Down In Peace and Sleep" 

Psalm 4 may have been written following Psalm 3. It indicates an evening prayer. David asked The LORD quite often in his prayers to have mercy upon him. David once again goes from anxiety to Trusting God. This Psalm marks the first of 55 songs given to the chief musician for instruction as he was to lead the choir or string portion of the orchestra into celebration with this psalm. It's like taking your diary and turning it into music. Refer to 1 Chronicles 6: 31-32

Now for this prayer: Hear me O God. You know my innocence in this matter. You have given me relief and peace before in my times of trouble. So, please be kind and listen to me now.

Sons of men (ungodly men) how long will you try to dishonor me? Do you enjoy wasting your time searching for new lies against me? SELAH You can be sure that anyone who serves the LORD faithfully is special to Him. The LORD listens when I pray to Him.  So, tremble with fear and stop sinning. Think about this when you go to bed, and calm down- be still. SELAH Put your Trust in The LORD.

There are many people who say, “I wish I could enjoy the good life. LORD, give us some of those blessings.” But YOU (The LORD) have made me happier than they will ever be with all their wine and grain.  ( There is No greater blessing than having a relationship with The LORD)

Verse 8 is speaking to my heart this morning- “ I will both lay me down in peace, AND SLEEP: for Thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.” It’s going to be my new memory verse. Only The LORD can give us that sweet Peace. Only He can keep us safe.

Think about that as you go to bed tonight. I know I will. 


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