O LORD, How Long?

Scripture For The Day 

 October 16, 2023

"O LORD, How Long?" 

Psalm 6 is the first of seven “Penitential” psalms.  David recognized when he messed up. Sometimes, it was just bad choices others made against him.  Whatever the cause, David knew Who to go to for help and understanding. He knew he deserved a rebuke from God. But he asked for mercy. It was bad enough to keep David from getting any sleep. He acknowledged his weakness in flesh and spirit. He asked The LORD to heal him; in his spirit and flesh. His bones were vexed- The hurt was so deep within him that it was almost unbearable and it was weighing heavily on his spirit. God can heal not only the body but our souls as well. Even if you have accepted Jesus into your heart, there will be times when you need your soul to be healed. This world can be so oppressive and tiring. Vs 3 O LORD, how long? This is a common prayer in the Bible. The aching. The sorrow. The frustrations. How Long, O LORD can this go on?

My bones are shaking. I’m trembling all over. How long, O LORD, how long? Make me strong again. You know how much I love you. You are ever Faithful, even when we aren’t. David says that if he dies, he can’t sing about The LORD. He’s not disproving eternal life here. He is saying that once death comes, there are no second chances. We can’t shout praises and have grateful hearts over what we are going through. Refer to Isaiah 38:18 – “For the grave cannot praise Thee, death can not celebrate Thee:…”

There’s nothing like a lack of sleep to wear you out. Vs 6- LORD, I am so weak. I am weary with all my groaning. I’ve been crying all night. My pillow is soaked. My bed is dripping wet from my tears. David’s hurt and shame were so intense that he could only groan. I’ve had those moments. Vs7 – My enemies have caused me so much sorrow that my eyes are worn out from crying. David is tired of running. He’s tired of being wrongly attacked. He wasn’t perfect. He made some bad mistakes along the way. “Go away all you wicked people, because The LORD hears my cries.” David’s heart begins to change. It begins to have hope once again. The LORD heard his cries. “Let all my enemies be ashamed and filled with fear.”.David was broken not only from his own bad choices but because the people who were out to get him, were ones that he loved. He didn’t understand. It hurt even deeper. Life can be heartbreaking and impossible at times. But we can go to The One Who Loves Us in a way that no one else can. Pray with all your heart and all your soul. He has the Victory. Keep your heart humbled, despite the hurt that others may sling your way. Learn from your mistakes and grow closer to The LORD, each and every day. 


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