Give God The Glory

  Scripture For The Day 

November 22, 2023

"Give God The Glory" 

The Power of God never ceases to amaze me. Nothing is impossible for Him. But yet, there are times we think circumstances are far beyond His Reach. That’s the enemy spewing lies again. Psalm 29 has David opening up a call for Praise to The LORD and describes the infinite power, the Divine Power of God.

“Give unto the LORD, O ye mighty, give unto the LORD Glory and Strength…” What can a poor man bring to a king… nothing except himself and Praise. There is nothing we can give God, besides ourselves. He alone is worthy to be Praised. He speaks to us through His Creation. His Voice is often associated with the sound of thunder. But also, with the still small Voice in the wind. The sea obeys His Voice and one day the rocks will cry out. His Voice is powerful beyond anything we can imagine. His Voice has all authority. Then why oh why do we choose to listen to the voice of the enemy?  

David goes on in several verses about how Powerful The Voice of God is and that God is The One in Control. This chapter ends by reminding my heart, once again, that He is The One that gives me strength. And He Blesses me time and time again with His Peace that passes all human understanding. And in these troubling days, I find myself becoming so very tired of the ugliness, the quick offense, the assumptions, the condemnation. I just want to hide under the covers. But I’m oh so thankful for His Peace that I have in Him and through Him. He is in Control. He is All Powerful. And whatever is going on, My God can change it to something better. 

LORD, I give you ALL The Glory today in what You have planned. I Glorify Your Name Above All Names. And when my heart becomes troubled, remind me, LORD, to keep my focus on You, help me close my ears to the lies of the enemy, find strength in the security of Your Love, and rest in Your Divine Peace. Amen


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