Who Is This King of Glory?

Scripture For The Day  

November 15, 2023

"Who Is This King of Glory?" 

David may have written Psalm 24 after the retrieval of the Covenant of The Ark and placed it in Jerusalem. It’s a Song of Worship/ He is The Creator of it all and Worthy to be Praised.

The earth and everything on it belong to The LORD. He built the earth on the water. “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters…” Gen 1:6

Who shall ascend unto the hill of The LORD? Who can go up The LORD’s mountain?. Who can stand in His Holy Temple? Only the pure in heart. Only those who continue to seek His Face will be Blessed. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; Be lifted up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in. The entrance of The Ark going into the Tabernacle was called “The coming in of the King of Glory”. Only He was Worthy enough to enter in. But when Jesus was crucified on The Cross; the veil was torn in two. When He ascended He resumed His seat on the right hand of the Father (not in the Father’s seat) but on His Right Hand. And we are now made holy through His Blood and can also enter the gates of His Temple along with Him.

Who is this King of Glory? The LORD of hosts, He is The King of Glory. Selah.   

Praise His Holy Name!!! 

Thank You, Jesus, For The Blood Applied!!!


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