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Scripture For The Day  

December 18, 2023

Luke 18 part 1

"Listen Up!" 

And He spake a parable unto them to teach them that they/we should always pray and never lose hope. Here is the story:

“Once there was a judge. In the same town, there was a woman whose husband had died. She came many times to the judge and said ‘There is a man who is doing bad things to me. Give me my rights!’ But the judge refused to help her. After a while, he thought to himself; ‘I don’t care about God or what people think. But I’m sick and tired of this woman bothering me. So, if I give her what she wants, she’ll leave me alone.’

The Lord said, “Listen up! There is a meaning here. Persistence pays off. God’s people shout at Him all night and day, and He will always give them what is right. Because He is just and right and Loves us.  God helps His people. But when the Son of Man comes again, will He find people on earth who believe in Him?” If you aren’t getting what you want, have you stopped believing in Him?

He spoke another parable because some people thought they were perfect and looked down on everyone else. Jesus used this story to teach them/us:

“One time there was a Pharisee and a tax collector who both went to the temple to pray. The Pharisee began praying; “O God, I thank You that I am not as bad as other people. I am not like men who steal, cheat, or commit adultery. I thank You that I am better than this tax collector… The tax collector stood alone too. But when he prayed, he would not even look up to heaven. He was humbled before God. He said, “O God, have mercy on me, a sinner!”  Jesus turns to them and says “I tell you, when this man finished his prayer and went home, he was right with God. But the Pharisee who believed he was better than everyone else was not.

The people began bringing their babies to Jesus to touch them so they would be blessed. The disciples felt it was a waste of Jesus' time and began rebuking the people. But Jesus told them to let the little children come to Him because God’s Kingdom belongs to people who are like little children accepting God’s Kingdom like a little child accepts a gift with excitement and eagerness.

Our Heavenly Father showers us with gifts. But unless we accept the gift of Salvation through the Precious Blood of His Son then we will receive none of it.

A Persistent Heart. A Humble Heart. A Child’s Heart.

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