There's A Letter For You

Scripture For The Day 

January 4th, 2024

"There's A Letter For You" 

 Recently, I took a short break from Social Media and writing my devotionals. I've been waiting until The Lord pressed it upon my heart to return. This morning is the day. While studying His Word, I was reminded of a conversation I had with my girl this morning regarding Jane Austen. We discussed how when people traveled, it seemed as if their letters could find them wherever they were. I told her, that's because that was their primary communication. They relied on the written word. They relied on word of mouth. When Uncle Bob was visiting the family,  the local postman would be aware or informed. In some areas, unless you were the hoity toity, you had to go pick up your own mail. It was an 'event'. The anticipation was heightened when expecting a letter.  Suitors "made love" with their words in cards and letters. Making Love did not mean sex but courtship.  The "lovers' would keep the letters and read them over and over again. Often they would keep a love letter on them and press it to their hearts in hopes of feeling the presence of their 'lover'.  Relationships were made strong even though the miles separated them. All because they took time to share their hearts and minds within the written word. Technology is great. But it has damaged sincere communication along the way. In my humble opinion. 

This written Word that I love so much has become unnecessary to this lost and dying world. It has become boring to many Christians. There is no excited anticipation. All of us, young or old, rich or poor, have been given this written Word to grow closer to Him.  He has written us a heartfelt letter in hopes that we will come to love Him as much as He Loves us. He 'Makes Love" with His Written Word. He shows us from beginning to the end, that we are precious to Him and His ultimate desire is that one day, we will be with Him in heaven. My relationship with Him is made stronger when I read His Word, when I study His Word, and when I hold it to my heart and keep it with me always. Nothing can separate me or you from His Love. Open up His Letter, He is waiting to hear from you. 

Corrie Ten Boom said this; "Lord, I rejoice that nothing can come between me and Your Love. Even when I feel alone or in difficulty, when in sickness or am troubled. Even if attacked or afraid, no abyss of mine is so deep that Your Love is not deeper still. 

"...nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the Love of God, which is in Christ The Lord." - Romans 8:39


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