Scripture For The Day 

February 27th 2024 

There Is None That Doeth Good 

Was David prophesying in Psalm 53? Because it sure sounds like the world today.  But no, David did prophesy in some of the Psalms but not in this instant. David looked around at the sad condition of men who refused to accept God. The fool says "There is no God". This is based on a moral standpoint and not an intellectual point of view. He was talking about those who rejected God, not those who didn't know any better.  A person who purposefully denies God will become corrupted. It's a matter of time. David says "There is none who does good, no, not one." There is still good in this world. But any good we do on our own is tainted by a sinful world. A child isn't born obeying their parents. It's taught. But you don't have to teach a child to be rebellious. That is a natural condition for a sinful world. People fight authority. People disrespect authority.  Rebellion is a common disease. As a Christian, the only 'good' that matters is The Goodness of God. The enemy will be filled with fear- a fear like they have never felt before! But a Child of God has Hope. A Child of God should love the unlovable. A Child of God is encouraged in the Word of God to be humble and loving. Listen to His tugging on your heart. Don't be a fool. But be Glad and Rejoice in The LORD.  


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