Good Wins Over Evil

Scripture For The Day 

February 23rd, 2024 

"Good Wins Over Evil" 

This morning as I was studying Psalm 52, I began thinking about the old saying that "Good wins over evil every time". I couldn't help but think, I know it does in the end, but it sure seems like evil takes the lead at times. This world is getting uglier and uglier as each day goes by. It can be disheartening at times. But The LORD doesn't want us to be discouraged and overwrought with all the evil in the world. We are to rise above it and overcome the evil with good. I read a commentary that said Psalm 52 is one of the most contemptuous verses in the bible with its description of an enemy. David is speaking about Doeg and his betrayal. Refer to 1 Samuel 21. David is sharing that evil is futile. No matter how much it may seem like evil is winning, evil will never have the final victory. That belongs to the righteous alone. It's heartbreaking to be betrayed. It makes it difficult to trust anyone. David was heart, angry, and frustrated. But he knew that he could rise above all of it because he was on the winning side. 

Trust in The Lord. Praise His Holy Name. Even when it seems like evil is winning, remind your heart that you are on the winning side and what was meant for evil, God can use for good. 

Paul tells us in Romans 12:21 "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." 

 Edmund Burke said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." 

Stand up for The Truth. Share Jesus. Don't let the evil of this world tear you down. Evil is futile and will not be around forever. That is a Promise from God. So do something... Overcome evil with Good!  


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