God Sees You

 Scripture For The Day 

April 5th, 2024 

"God Sees You" 

"Feeling insignificant really hurts but regardless of our feelings, we do have real value. We are made in God's image; created for great things! Life chips away at our souls, but God sees us as priceless. So much so, that God sent His Only Son into our world to take away our pain and offer us a new start." 

These words were in an article I read this morning and it struck my heart..."Life chips away at our souls".  Life can definitely bring us down at times. This world is going to hell in a handbasket and that's the truth. It breaks my heart for those that feel 'invisible'. I know how that feels cause I've been there myself. But we are so much more than the sum of our pasts. We are so much more than what people may think of us. We are so much more than what this world has to offer. We have been wonderfully and fearfully made by an Almighty Loving Creator and Father. We are loved so much that His Precious Son was sent, willingly to die for us. He was tortured. He was beaten. He was in anguish for you and for me. That's LOVE. That alone shows how valuable we are. Our Identity is in Jesus. Regardless of what may be going on in this world or in our own little worlds... we are not invisible. Not to God. 

A common phrase of late is "I see you". It's another one of those cliches that people throw out and I can't help but wonder...do you? do you really see past your own little circle? I hope so.  Look around. Open your heart. Pray for each other. Truly see each other. 

If you're tired of feeling invisible or insignificant in the crowd. Get away from the crowd, get alone with Jesus, and listen to The Voice of Truth. 

"And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me; for she said, Have I also here looked after Him that seeth me. wherefore the well was called Beerlahairoi; (meaning - "The well of the Living One Who sees me" - Genesis 16:13-14


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