Have You Lost Your Song?

 Scripture For The Day 

April 16th, 2024 

"Have You Lost Your Words?"

This morning as I was studying His Word and sharing with an individual I was reminded of an honest and real conversation the other day with a group of ladies regarding losing our song.  That doesn't mean losing salvation. Thank God there is no chance of that. We are kept in His Hands when we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts. It doesn't mean falling away.  But 'losing your song' means something else. It means struggle. It means the world is bearing down, heavily, on your shoulders.  I've always got a song on my heart and I'm so thankful for that. My eldest grandson gets tickled because I can turn any conversation into a song. But I understood exactly what my friend was saying. Because I have felt that way as well. For me lately, I feel like I have not only 'lost my song' at times but I have lost 'the words'. The 'word' to share what's on my heart any given day. I've worried over it. I've prayed over it. I've struggled over it. I've had to remind my heart over and over to Trust God in the quietness of these moments. Trust Him in this season. He has been pulling on my heart to get away from the noise and crowds and go to the mountain to pray, like Jesus often did as He walked this earth. and I've been enjoying those quiet moments with Him. The enemy tries to use these quiet moments to knock me down. Whispering lies to my heart. Beating me up every chance he gets. and man, is he good at his job.  But then God... He takes my brokenness and gives me a 'word' once again. He gives me a taste of His Song on my weary heart once again. 

The Israelites were worship singers. But sometimes they "Lost their song' as well. One of those times was when King Nebuchadnezzar and his armies attaked the city of Jerusalem. They destoryed the city of Jerusalem. They destroyed Solomon's temple. But that wasn't enough for them, they took the thousands of Israelites captive and looted the temple for all of its worth. Then they demanded their captives to play songs saying "Sing us one of the songs of Zion" But the Israelites said "how can we sing in a strange land?"  refer to Psalm 137

Sometimes, it feels like we are in a strange land. And as a Christian, we should feel that way. This is not our home. We are just passing through. So the craziness and lack of any morality of this world can bring us down and weigh heavy on our souls. It's in the valley that sometimes we struggle to find 'our song'. But Oh, Thank God, we have a loving an Awesome Father, Who reaches down and turns those ashes into beauty. Our God is an Awesome God. But more than that, He has a Good Good Father. Let's not be too hard on ourselves in this valley. But let us encourage each other so that we can fill our hearts with His Song once again. 

and my soul has been singing for the last several days..."Our God is an Awesome God, He Reigns from heaven above, in wisdom, power and love, Our God is an Awesome God." 


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